Tweaked my back doing squats - heat or ice? Rest or stretch?

I tweaked my lower back this morning doing one-legged squats. Apparently my form is off 🙄 I did some googling but there seems to be no clear consensus on what to do now. Should I ice it or use a heating pad? Should I rest all day or stretch it out a bit? Any help would be appreciated! I can walk around ok but bending over def hurts, and it seems to be getting worse as the day progresses.


  • JeBeBu
    JeBeBu Posts: 258 Member
    Gentle stretches, ice. Pain patches are useful, Ibuprofen. This is my nursing advise. Plenty of fluids, too!
  • bambambam_
    bambambam_ Posts: 1 Member
    Ice and stretching, for sure, as JeBeBu said. Also, while you're down - read "starting strength" by Mark Rippetoe and watch some of his YouTube videos on form. He's a legend who will change your whole approach to lifting.
  • Mcwi3681
    Mcwi3681 Posts: 67 Member
    Excellent, thank you so much!!
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    If it were me, i'd use a heating pad. And rest from exercise but try not to stay immobile.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    edited July 2019
    Squat at a variation, intensity, stance and ROM that you fee comfortable while performing where the pain is tolerable and feels better as you train. There are many possibilities that can be tried.

    I would not ice unless a full belly muscle tear. NSAIDS or Aleve if needed.

    Training in most cases is better than not, though I would suggest something along air squats with both legs to start. If you can perform a range of motion, than try a barbell or whatever means you load. Stop and back off the weight if needed where it is once again tolerable usually works very well for most lifters. Backing off slightly on intensity and volume.

    I would also suggest to utilize proper load management if you are not already.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Ice initially to reduce inflammation. Then alternate heat & ice ending with ice 2-3x in a row to help it contract and release again, probably starting on day 2. Repeat several times during the day for s few days. I would not stretch it much in the first day, but it depends on what happened to it.