I need help!

OK, so a bit of a background...
I started to control my diet and exercise about a year ago. I started out 3 times a week and I'm now up to 6 times a week.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are swimming pool days. On those days, I have a circuit - aerobics, cycling and trampoline - inside the water. I love it and it's good cardio. Next week, I plan to take up a swimming class right before the aerobics one, putting me at around 1h 40 min of exercise.

Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, I hit the weight room. According to my HRM, I spend around a 1000 calories during those two hours I'm there. (If necessary, I'll write down everything I do on weight training days).

Here's the problem: My weight loss has stalled for the past month. I haven't lost anything and I'm working hard. Is it nutrition? Is it possible that I'm eating to little for the workout? Please, help me solve this cause I'm at a point where I'm considering quitting it all!


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Your diary isn't public - so I can't comment on your nutrition. However, I will ask you this -- are you aiming to get your calories as close to zero as possible everyday? If not, then it is VERY possible you are not eating enough.

    Also, our bodies get used to what we do - they get comfortable. I know you do different things - but your body still gets used to what you're doing. Sometimes our bodies need us to completely switch things up - completely change everything in order to confuse it and make it start losing again.

    I would really evaluate your food diary - are you drinking enough water? eating enough?

    If you are burning 1000 calories working out - I hope you are eating at least some of those back. This website is designed to eat those back.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    It' probably muscle, are you loosing iches off your waist and hips? If so your still getting results!
  • homeslice614
    NO! Don't quit! See if you can get some free advice from a trainer at the gym. I think you might be right that you are not eating enough (maybe of the right kind of food/calories) and your body is fighting it. Maybe you need to change up your routine. My trainer has given me plenty of advice that seemed strange to me at the time but he proved to be completely right. You can do it!

    The things that seem the hardest to accomplish always hold the greatest rewards in the end!
  • thaisccs
    Thanks for the answers!
    Chevy, I haven't been tracking here a lot (I've been doing it a little bit on paper but I got frustrated so I decided to take a break from tracking - I'm returning to it on Monday).
    I find it very confusing though... do I have to stay at 1200 calories NET? Meaning, some days I'd have to ingest up to 2200 calories? That'd be a lot more than I'm used to (I try to stay below 1600 calories a day)

    Fairysoul, my measurements have also stayed the same for a while now... which adds to the frustration!

    Homeslice, I took my diet diet (I got from an endocrinologist I used to go to) to my trainers and neither of them said anything... just that it's a good amount of food in there, no starving, which is good!
    About switching things up, I only do the same weight circuit for about 20 sessions, which takes less than two months, so I don't know how much more I can change it up... I mean, I'm half way throughmy current routine!

    I think I'm going to seek a nutricionist to help me out? My endocrinologist has left me hanging for two months now, so I want someone else to help me!

    Again, thanks for the replies!