Ladies... Shark week and the week before?!

The week before and the week of that the of the month I'm ravenous! Like even when I bulk eat veggies and things that are low cal but filling I am still hungry! All. The. Time. HELP!


  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    It's around ovulation for me that happens usually. The usual advice is eat at maintenance for a few days, but given that I already am, I just white knuckle it or try to get some extra cardio in, and always keep busy.
  • HollyPFlax
    HollyPFlax Posts: 79 Member
    Sounds like this isn't just TOM hormones. The week of and the week before your TOM is two weeks out of four: that's 50% of the time. I would just ignore any timing link to your period and work on techniques to curb your appetite. When you feel hungry, try drinking water first. We are not good at differentiating thirst from hunger. Wait a while. If you're still hungry, try a low calorie snack, like an apple. If you're starving 30 minutes later, then you should have a more substantial meal or snack (while fitting it into your calorie goal).

    We all have different appetites and feel full from different things. Macro ratios are one thing that affects how full you feel. Some people prefer fats and protein to keep hunger at bay and they find keto helpful. I find that carbs and protein keep me from feeling hungry often.

    Experimenting with meal timing could also help. Some people prefer to skip breakfast and not eat until lunch. Some people prefer to not snack at all and only eat three large meals. Others like myself prefer to eat small meals and small snacks.

    I think a huge part of why it's difficult to maintain a calorie deficit is because no one wants to be hungry. It feels awful. Curbing this and figuring out how to be in a deficit while feeling satisfied should help you a lot!
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    You're giving Shark Week a bad rep. 😬
  • dkeofkfbdjsgdvfl
    dkeofkfbdjsgdvfl Posts: 16 Member
    Yeah, I know it's 2-3 days away from that time when I start craving baked goods like crazy. I've party managed to go from craving cakes to craving bananas, but the struggle is real.