hello! tips on losing weight needed

hello just joined today and ive gotta say i'm really not feeling great about what lays ahead of me! losing weight is so hard and extremly hard if u've no will power a big empty belly and hunger round every corner! this i think is made even harder when u have to cook for the rest of ur family and then sit down to a salad! god help me! hope my negative thoughts dont rub off on anyone!

any tips of ways to feel full even tho eating small portions plz share??


  • shellbell23
    hello just joined today and ive gotta say i'm really not feeling great about what lays ahead of me! losing weight is so hard and extremly hard if u've no will power a big empty belly and hunger round every corner! this i think is made even harder when u have to cook for the rest of ur family and then sit down to a salad! god help me! hope my negative thoughts dont rub off on anyone!

    any tips of ways to feel full even tho eating small portions plz share??
  • memeburke
    Hi Shellbell23,
    I used to feel the same way until I joined MFP. There are alot of great people here in the same boat and have great advice.
    I personally like to eat fruit for snacks between meals, plus I am a night eater so I eat a 100 cal. pop corn every night. As far as your cooking for your family, you are more apt to eat the same if you tweek your receipts to be healthy for them as well, because it's a life time change. Example: Instead of using white pasta, use wheat. Instead of white bread use whole grain,whole wheat,etc. Use the data base at top where My Home is. Also use the receipts at the community site. And most important, DRINK LOTS OF WATER., Exercise, and keeping buusy helps me not think of hunger. After a while,your body will get use to the changes. Stir Fries, Soft Wraps.Veggie omelets, Pasta w / sauce, Poached Eggs, and home made soups. Hope this helps,
  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member
    Hi There!

    I find when I eat really healthy food. My hunger is satisfied because my body is getting what it needs.

    It takes a few days to feel the change, but then you really start to feel the benefits.

    I start off the day with plain oatmeal and then I add apples, bananas and other fruits to the bowl depending on what I have in fresh fruit that day. The fruit is steamed right along with the oatmeal in the microwave. This holds me until Lunch.

    Avoiding sugar helps to cut cravings as well. You don't miss it after awhile. You can still fit it in for snacks when you have room in your calorie allotment for the day.

    The misconception is that you don't eat on diets. You eat as much, if not more than you use to, it is just that you cut out higher calorie foods that are not healthy choices for your meal plan.

    Eating tons of beans, fruit, veggies, protein and fiber do fill you up while you are losing weight.

    Good luck to you and welcome to the site:flowerforyou:

    Connie Lynn
  • minceavie
    Hello there, please don't see it that way...look at it a day at a time or even an hour at a time. If you change one thing today you will be a winner. Try somthing small as you don't want to discourage yourself. Maybe try and focus on your portions, eat the same thing your family is eating but keep in mind that proteins should be the size of your palm of hand, carbs no more than fist full and veggies...well eat your heart out! NO BUTTER!!! (or if you really have to have butter buy the spray BECEL it's very low calories and taste just like butter) and then you will have won the challenge today :)
    Your a winner!
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    Yogurt and fruit helps for me. :happy:
    I get the dairy that I need and the health benifit of the fruit. Sometimes I use the yogurt AS a fruit dip.
    An apple has only 70 to 100 Cals in it and the yogurt has only 70 cals in the whole cup.(If you use low fat.) I only use 1/4 cup when I am dipping. :smooched:
    There are TONS of tricks however. But starving yourself is not one of them.
    Belive it or not.... The BEST way to lose weight is to eat. 6 times a day mini meals.
    Low in fat, and not fried.
    Doing little things as goals day by day week by week until you get there.
    Like the first week your goal can be to not eat any fast food.
    The first day is to drink your 8, cups of water at the LEAST every day.
    Make exercise a game. yesterday I walked 1 mile today I will try for a mile and a half. (This is easier if you have a pedometor. which you can get from Target for 9.00 to 19.00 for a more technical one.
  • c-grandma
    :flowerforyou: I wouldn't offer much more advice than you've already read accept for this-dieting IS tuff. I have a hard time , too. Try to have a positive additude, eat healthy, exercise. You will achieve your goal. This is a great website. It's really helped me in keeping track of what I eat and how much exercise I get. I'm addicted to it now. Good luck! Chris.
  • momathome
    Just take it one day at a time.
    Make healthier choices for meals your family needs it too. I started 3 weeks ago and started looking at what I ate and HOLY!!! then I started looking at what my family ate and you know if they don't start now they will have a weight problem later. My husband is good cuz he will eat anything I make for him.
    Work out any way you can. There are lots of good work out DVDs you can get if you don't want to go to the gym.
    Take it slow. Do what you can and don't give up and drink lots of water
  • mariasbrown27
    HI! Please stay motivated you can do it! Try adding more fiber to your diet. High fiber foods help to make you feel more full as well. Water is always a good thing. Drink water when you feel hungry some times satisfies that need. A multivitamin may help with hunger as well by providing the nutrients your body needs. If you do feel hungry just try to stay away from empty calories, those foods and drinks that have no nutritional value.

    Good Luck!
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you! I try feeding my family the same foods that I am eating...it's easier for me to control my portions and still feel satisfied when we are all eating the same foods, then I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything!
  • badtzmaru7979
    you shouldnt feel starved when your dieting. really you get more than enough food when your dieting. its just not maybe as good or as fun as like lets say a pizza. but i chop up veggies that i eat all day while im at work and takes me hours and hours to eat them. by the time i leave work ive have about 200 to 300 calories depending on how many i can eat.......its a lot of work but important cause it keeps my metabolisim going. then when work is over i have 1000 calories still. so i eat a nice dinner of somthing i like. sure i still have to have my dinner portion controlled but when im finished im not hungry. then i work off about 300 calories on my bike before bed. now if for some reason i fell i must eat like an extra 200 or even 500 calories.......then i allow it and spend an extra hour on my bike. not gonna let myself go hungry. i must say eating veggies for breakfast and lunch isnt that much fun at all..........but im not hungry. thats why i allow myself something good for dinner even if it means i might lose a bit slower. since the beginning of 2008 i have lost 10 1/2 pounds.

    hope this helps sarah
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    People are giving excellent advice!! :wink: I went into settings and created space for 6 meals, breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, evening snack. I usually eat 5 of the 6 but some days I need all 6, some days only 4. NEVER less than 4 times a day. I plan to have 300 calories for each meal time and 100 for each snack time. That puts me at 1200 calories for the day and it's extremely hard to stay within the 300 calorie limit. So I exercise, at least 300 calories worth a day, which is usually my elliptical machine and weights, but could include dancing, chopping firewood, heavy house cleaning, rearranging furniture, etc (every exercise counts at this point) and I use the calories to bump up the meals to 400 calories, which is easy to do.

    To make sure I'm accurate, I keep a real tablespoon, measuring cups, and an ounce scale on the counter. Then I read the actual serving size and stick to it. For the first week I simply made choices I wanted to make and recorded everything, without worrying about calories or fat or fiber or salt or anything like that. At the end of the week, I reviewed what I had done and started making adjustments. Now I use corn tortillas instead of flour because they are much lower in fat. I also buy fat free cream cheese. When I put peanut butter on celery, I only use one tablespoon instead of two. I buy Progresso soup for the first time and switched to vegetarian chili, all because of calories and fat.

    I do not make seperate meals for my family except that I do try to take into consideration the likes and dislikes of everyone. My daughter does not eat red meat, my husband hates chicken, I have an exchange student from Italy that would have tomatoes and pasta for the entire 10 months she's here and be perfectly happy. They have plenty of opportunites to eat away from home or make something for themselves. Your kids might be younger, mine are teens and hubby was on the road for 200 days last year. He can eat all the TACO BELL he wants when he's gone.

    You'll find a lot of suggestions and support here. Just keep reading. For me, I don't believe much in the concepts of motivation, self control or will power and my posts will reflect that. I believe that the way to success is through behavior modification on a daily basis. On the days you don't want to do the right thing, do it anyway, and don't use a bunch of excuses as to why you made the choices you did. Best of luck on your journey and welcome to the group.
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    My doctor told me this once and I try to keep it in mind when I'm eating smaller portions:

    You eat to live, you don't live to eat.

    Works for me!