Losing 80 Pounds

Looking for friends who need to lose 80 pounds or more and want to join me on my journey.


  • theheavyr6006
    theheavyr6006 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm on this journey as we speak, started last Christmas at 272lbs. I've gotten myself down to 246lbs, struggling to break 240
  • ArtsieSarah
    ArtsieSarah Posts: 129 Member
    I'd love to lose a total of 80 pounds!

    Started autumn 2017 at 218lbs, currently at 188lbs, with a goal of 138lbs (height 5'5"). So I've lost 30 so far but I'm having a hard time getting out of the 180s. Been stuck since May! I'm so here for this journey!
  • bethblackorbay
    bethblackorbay Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in! I just joined on Monday. I weigh 272 right now, and I have a lot more to lose. Please add me to your friend list so we can motivate each other. Thanks!
  • Deanner03
    Deanner03 Posts: 371 Member
    I started this year with over 100 to lose. I've lost 76. It's getting slower and harder. My diary is open to friends. Feel free to friend me.
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    I would love some support on this journey. I lost 30 pounds several years ago (still had more weight to lose but stalled), and kept off the 30 pounds until recently. I'm 5'5" and currently weigh 233. My goal is 140ish (normal weight range for me is 130-150).
  • mommabadge
    mommabadge Posts: 4 Member
    Let’s do this! I feel like I’m at the bottom of a huge mountain that I have to climb. Total of 80lbs to lose and I’m down almost 5. So I just started. Having people around me that are on the same journey will help so much. Adding you to my friends list!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    I started at 272 as well. Down to 236. Still another 80-100 to go.

    It's a tall mountain to climb.
  • Samantharavenclaw84
    Samantharavenclaw84 Posts: 161 Member
    I have about 90 more pounds to go (SW 250, CW 219, GW-130's). Feel free to add me. It is a tall mountain. I've been trying to refocus my thinking of tackling smaller hills. One day/one habit at a time. Cheesy as it sounds it has been working for me.
  • activegalaxy
    activegalaxy Posts: 24 Member
    Anyone be free to add me as a friend here. Goal is to lose 80. Lost 60 so far and looking to keep motivated so I joined this app.