Healthy Recipes for a vegetable hater!!!

Hi guys,

Really need some help, I seem to have hit a plateau. I've lost 59.5lbs since 1st January 2011 but I have stayed the same for the last few weeks.

I really need some help with healthy receipes as I cannot stand vegetables. The only ones I like are sweetcorn, carrots, potatos and parsnips which I do try to have as often as I can. I can drink vegetables (I have veg soup a lot at work), I just cannot stand the feel of them in my mouth (strange I know)

I love fruit so I eat as much as I can to compensate. I really would love to eat veg as dieting would be so so much easier!!!

HELP!!!! xxx


  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    How about making chilli, bolognese, shepherds pie etc with blended vegetables so that you have all the goodness but none of the texture?
  • roxygrissom
    What about fruit, lean protein and complex carbohydrates? Try eating a 1-2 ounce portion of lean meat with each meal/snack (being mindful of your calorie goal). Also, you might try eating 200 calories over you calorie goal for a few days, then resume eating at or below your calorie goal--you body might be rebelling.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    I hate veggies too and trying to incorporate them more as well. One thing I'm learning is to chop, grate or blend them really small and add them in dishes such as meatloaf or sauces. Also look through the recipe forum too. I found a great cauliflower pizza recipe where the crust is made of cauliflower and cheese and egg, its super yummy (but I do like the taste of cauliflower pretty decent anyway). Or learn to cook them differently and they maybe more tolerable or adding spices.