New here - 20s/f - support?

I just started using the myfitnesspal app around 2 weeks ago and love it. Being able to see my nutrition trends is very helpful, I have the tendency of not getting enough vitamins.healthy nutrients.
I actually started using this tool because I noticed that I started restricting/eating less - I have an eating disorder in my past and I guess I'm having relapse behaviors. I am overweight, and while I definitely want to lose weight, I'm trying very hard to focus on the health of what I'm eating as priority.

How do you ask/inspire others around you in real life to motivate you and keep you focused on your health (not just weight loss)? For those of you who do not have support from other IRL, how do you find the support you need, online or otherwise?


  • missingkitty
    missingkitty Posts: 16 Member
    Hey there,
    Welcome to MFP! I'm in a similar boat as you. Im a 20y/o female and i've noticed lately my eating habits are not up to par. I have had trouble logging my food lately because I know i've been eating wrong. What motivates me though (and I'm currently trying to re motivate myself) is doing research about my body type and finding out what kinds of foods and exercise are best for my body. Take note of what foods and activities leave you feeling refreshed and energized and keep those in mind. Also look at what has the opposite and try to avoid those, but don't punish your self and avoid "bad" foods all together, a balance is key. Just remember if you are going to treat yourself to sweets or such to have them in moderation.

    Add me to your friends list if you like and maybe we can motivate each other. Friends, IRL or online, are a key motivator.
  • bete0noire
    bete0noire Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the reply =)
    I've been getting back to my love of fruits and veggies again, and being more "initiative" in my diet. I've never been one to cook, and I would usually eat whatever was easy/around. But I've been cooking more and have found I actually really enjoy the learning process. I also find that aside from the satisfaction of making my own meal, that I am not as hungry and my "eyes arent bigger than my stomach" by the time I sit down to enjoy the product.

    I'm not really sure how to go about finding out what's best for my body - or what specific type of body I have? I know I'm a pear shape lol, but that's about it. When I was a teen I was thin, and went for the low fat sort of diet, but I'm not exactly sure if the low-fat route "worked" because my eating disorder was worse than. Sigh.

    I've been so frustrated, because I've been eating pretty much healthy with low (arguably sometimes a bit too low) daily calorie intakes, but have hardly lost any weight this past month - just 5-6 pounds. But I also know I have to get off my *kitten* and exercise, and eat more regularly.

  • missingkitty
    missingkitty Posts: 16 Member
    A lot of times because of really low calorie intake you can actually sabatoge your diet. Check around the forums for topics dealing with eating your workout calories. I've learned a lot from them, i'm just horrible at explaining it.

    Cooking your meals is a good start. I love to cook I just never take the initiative. Once i have a job I'll start stocking the kitchen up and cooking more but it'll be a while before i can start looking for one.
  • Brandi0785
    Hello! I am new here too. I have been using the app for about a week and so far so good. :)

    I have a great support system in my mom and boyfriend. I also have some added incentive in the fact that in 34 days i will be on a ship and will want to partake in the water activities and that means being seen by a ship full of people. And my dad (who is awesome) bought excursion tickets for me and my boyfriend to Atlantis Aquaventure. My biggest fear is that i will be so self conscious there that i will not enjoy myself as much as i should.

    I have been cooking more and looking at nutrition too. I have realized that i am NOT as hungry as i thought i would be eating 1200-1300 calories. And The healthier choices i make the more larger the volume of food i can eat which really helps.

    I would love to help keep you motivated to be a healthy person!