How Do I Conquer Saturdays



  • lg013
    lg013 Posts: 215 Member
    I will say I stopped drinking (I’ll have an occasional half beer after mowing the lawn), but when I was drinking, I’d make a choice on a Saturday...either a treat meal that went over my norm and drink water all night...or stick to my meal calories and have a few drinks out. I’d never really go crazy with either...

    Lately I just don’t have a desire for alcohol...I have a lot more fun enjoying a big meal and hitting the dance floor with some water...I feel great and productive the next day. Added bonuses: My bar tab is less than $10 (I usually treat my boyfriend to a beer or two with my free waters), dancing is a blast (and a workout), and I make sure everyone gets home safely being the sober driver.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Saturdays are my higher cal days too, I aim for no more than 2200.
    My TDEE is 1900-2000 so I bank calories during the week to account for that. It works a dream.
  • Dreamwa1ker
    Dreamwa1ker Posts: 196 Member
    edited July 2019
    For me it's Friday more than Saturday - Friday night we like to go out for dinner. Knowing this, I try to eat a lighter lunch (I usually have big lunches) that day, and try to get the same walking in I do the rest of the week. I also will indulge some but I try to not go past my maintenance calories for that day (I eat in deficit the rest of the week). Planning what I'm going to get ahead of time helps me find something I'm going to enjoy but also not totally go nuts. If I get a really great cheeseburger, I might split the fries with my husband, and perhaps skip the milkshake - but if I was really wanting a milkshake that day I'd go light on the main course instead - things like that. What part of the meal am I most excited for and make that be the bulk of the calories in that meal. A nice steak, but lighter sides, etc.

    I do make sure to work in some small things I really enjoy throughout the week too - a piece of chocolate here or there, a glass of wine, that kind of thing. That way weekend doesn't feel like my only chance/don't feel so deprived which can lead to overdoing it.
  • amy19355
    amy19355 Posts: 805 Member
    Weekends are my trial as well. I succeed the best if I treat them like weekdays with respect to PACKING MY MEALS to go when I leave the house for the day. Most of what I eat is fine at any temp, so a cooler pack is sufficient, and I just nbeed to remember the damn fork or spoon so I’m not eating with my fingers all the time.

    If I go into a supermarket on the weekend, I’m likely to buy all the quality foods that are needed for the meal prep, and then purchase a oversized portion of lesser-quality foodstuffs and eat them all on the way back home. Then, after I put away the groceries, I fall into a food coma for a few hours, rise up again in a depressive state that finds another oversized portion of ANYTHING and continue to consume food while lying to myself about how attentive I am to portions because just look at that nice freezer full of quality meals prepped and ready to heat n eat.

    We can be our own worst enemies in this battle for personal weight control!

    MFP for the winning tools for logging and community support to help out!

    Good luck to us all.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Not very helpful for most it seems but I just don't eat foods I want to overeat by thousands of calories that don't satiate on a regular/weekly basis. I save those sorts of indulgences for the holidays or a one off type of occasion.

    I do eat large, indulgent meals regularly but there's a world of difference for me between eating a 2,000 calorie ribeye dinner and a pizza. With the steak I'll be full and uninterested in food the next day or meal and just naturally eat less as a result. With the pizza that doesn't happen and I'd need to deliberately do something to offset those calories. That type of effort isn't sustainable for me.
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    I schedule yoga on Sat morning and OTF on Sun mornings.
    During summer, we ALWAYS have friends and family, kids and adults come to our place and ends up a potluck on weekends. So lots of food and drinks. But I only eat what I want and never stuff myself. I offer healthy stuff and it's catching on. Everyone brings vegetarian, fruits and veggies types of sides.

    Be active and eat light! That's how I do my weekends. :D
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,876 Member
    I think the problem is more the idea that it's one day. In maintenance you need to think LONGER TERM... Weeks and months vs days. And you don't want to take something away that you enjoy because it's not sustainable. Find a way to let Sat be what it will be and STILL maintain over the week or month.

    That is probably one of the hardest things to get one's head around when just starting maintenance but really it does work.
  • gvizzle74
    gvizzle74 Posts: 123 Member
    Allocate more calories to Saturdays. Treat your calorie goal as a weekly one instead of daily. If you eat 2000 calories per day, that's 14000 per week. Spread them out differently so you have more to play with on saturday and still stay within your weekly goal. Eat 1800 calories Sunday to Friday and then you'll have 3200 to eat on Saturday.