First day!

Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
Hi! My name is Eve, and I just joined My Fitness Pal because a friend suggested it to me. She's had so much success with it, and thought I would too. So here's to nothing! I currently weight 280, and I'm only 5'1. So I've got a ways to go. I don't really want to be skinny, I'd just like to be smaller. I'd like to be able to wear cute things and not worry about how I look all of the time. I've already lost some weight, I was over 300lbs, but because I got a new job and stopped letting other people control what I eat, I've lost quite a bit and I'm hoping that My Fitness Pal will help me lose even more!

My boyfriend, who lives in London (long-distance met on the net kinda thing) is talking about coming to visit for the first time in December, and I'm anxious because I want to be perfect for him. I know he knows what I look like, but I'm afraid that when he see's me in person he'll be shocked. It may be irrational, but having been heavy all of my life I'm super self-conscious about it. He thinks I'm beautiful, but I'd still like to lose some weight before he comes here, so my first immediate goal is 30lbs by December.

I have a few obstacles though. One of which is I recently moved out on my own, and sometimes struggle quite a bit to make ends meet. So I tend to eat very small cheap meals. My calorie calculator thing says I need to eat about 1850 calories a day, and I currently only get about 1300. So I have to figure out how to get more without going overboard. I do eat healthy, I eat about 4-5 times a day. Just small things though. I usually have a bagel or something in the morning, a yogurt for snack, then a small frozen meal for lunch. Dinner is always up in the air, but it can be anything from cottage cheese and veggies to a can of Chef Boyardi. I have coffee in the morning and water during the day. My other obstacle is that I work a very physical job where I'm on my feet all day, and at the end of the day I'm kind of tired and don't really want to get out and get exercising. I have to work on these things, but if you have any suggestions please let me know!

I'm looking forward to reading all of your success stories, and all of that. I wish you all the best of luck with your weight loss!


  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You're absolutely in the right place! It can be very thrilling meeting someone you've met online, so I'm excited for you. I also know what type of pressure you feel in wanting to look and feel a certain way.

    GREAT that you know how many calories you need to get and can admit how much you're actually getting. You'll definitely want to get that 500 calorie difference, else your metabolism won't work at it's best. There are some things you can add (nuts, natural peanut butter) that are still clean eating options that can carry higher calorie amounts. Or add a protein shake or meal replacement shake a day.

    Stay active as well. Weight training and cardio will yield faster results, but you'll have to account for those cals burned as well. Happy to help in any way I can. Add me! I'd love to be a part of your support network, Eve!!
  • Mikesrobin
    Mikesrobin Posts: 44 Member
    That is great that you are starting now. My husband and I started exercising in a pool about a month ago. Since you are on your feet all day this may be an option for you. If you can't afford a gym membership you might be able to find a community (YMCA) pool close to you. They are usually cheaper than gyms and some are free.
  • squirrel70
    squirrel70 Posts: 3 Member
    My first day - second time around! I hope to do much better this time. I really need to lose a minimum of 10 kg and take more excercise for my health. Any advice, hints would be appreciated.
  • Hey guys,

    It's my first day too, it's so inspiring reading about all of your weight loss goals, I think it is so nice to want to be perfect for someone, but most importantly do it for yourself :)

    That's my plan this time around anyway! I saw this on iphone apps and thought it looked like a safe way of keeping track of calories and losing weight in a healthy amount! I am a self confessed yo-yo dieter and want to break the habit.

    I am hoping that by speaking about it, exchanging healthy tips etc will help keep me motivated.

    I am actually training for a half marathon for October and need to start really committing! I am going to add some weights into my gym routine too I've also heard this is a great fat burner... the more muscle you have the more your body burns fat, Although I exercise alot I have an awful habit of over eating in the evenings... I would really appreciate any tips to curb the habit :)

    M x
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    Sounds like you're on the right track. Since you're on a budget, you may get more meals and less fat from meals that are not frozen/processed. Think about buying meats/veggies when on sale and freezing in small quanties. Making a low calorie veggie/rice/meat casserole can also be frozen into individual servings. I met my husband on-line and it was wonderful developing that friendship before meeting face-to-face. I think I was at my best physically, emotionally, and spiritually when we met because I had been focusing on my overall health for several years prior and realized that my joy was not something that he or any other person could give me. Be sure you're also losing the weight for you and all that it can help you to be in life.
  • jazzkat68
    jazzkat68 Posts: 101 Member
    Welcome, welcome, welcome!! You have found the right site!! I, too, have a long journey. We can do it, one day at a time! Good luck and I'm gonna friend you... :)