Weight Fluctuations - 2-3kgs in 2 days

Just wanted some clarity from everyone. I have had about 4 days wherein I've been about 200-300 calories over my limit. 2 of those days I did exercise so some of that excess would be covered (I don't eat back by exercise calories) and I checked my weight and I had gained about 2.5 kgs.

How worried should I be ? I'm assuming these kind of Fluctuations are natural? Would a week of eating under my calorie goal and creating a larger deficit get me back on track?


  • VictorSmashes
    VictorSmashes Posts: 173 Member
    It might be retained water and probably likely is—2 kg is like 5 pounds and over the course of the week you could fluctuate that much. Increasing your carbs and your food in general your body will hold onto the water. I mean you still might have gained a fraction of a kilogram, but the takeaway from this should be drink more water and just get right back on the wagon.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    Very normal for daily weight fluctuations, both up and down. A trending app will help to keep these fluctuations in perspective.
  • malcolmleask1
    malcolmleask1 Posts: 4 Member
    Not unusual but seriously depressing! water is probably to blame. For me this is an effect of an increase in outside temperature which causes me to retain water. Also salt and having more carbs than usual cause these problems for me. The counterintuitive solution is to drink more water!
  • Krish1209
    Krish1209 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for the clarity folks :)

    @missysippy930 - what do you mean by a trending app?