Maintaining and toning

Hi everyone

I'm very near to my goal weight so I'll be changing to 'maintain' soon I do still have a bit of 'flab' on my stomach and arms I want to get rid of. I go to the gym 5 times per week and do a lot of weight training along with cardio so, I get plenty of exercise. The thing I'm unsure off;

should I stay at my current deficit (1200) or is it still possible to get rid of that last bit of 'flab' while at 'maintain' MFP has set that at 1580) I also know that my basic metabolic rate is at 1503 if that's any help?

Any help would be greatly appreciated - also, apologies for using the word 'flab' - it's a horrible word but can't think of a different word to use. I'm toning up really nicely everywhere else but my stomach is my problem area


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    You can switch to maintenance calories when you reach goal weight. Find a good prgressive lifting program (I like stronglifts 5x5) and stick to it. You can slowly burn the little bit of fat that's left while you gain strength and muscle.
  • Valkytron1
    Valkytron1 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks very much, and great advice on the progressive weightlifting :)