Cannot stop snacking!

I work 6 days a week at a restaurant so food has been a big issue for me. I am currently very petite, (5'3.5" and 118 lbs). My weight fluctuates between 115-120. I know if I could cut out the chocolate, pizza, and fast food it would be fine. But I just had heart surgery 3 months ago (asd closure) and I am on two different blood thinners which make me dizzy allllll day long. I feel like with a full belly, I dont feel as bad. But truth is, I'm not losing any weight even tho I am at the gym 5 days a week! (And I burn between 400-600cals a day! I just replaced a chocolate binge with a grape binge. What can I do to make myself feel better? I am also a recovering anorexic of like 8 years so I believe my body is all messed up from all the fasting ive done. Should I lower my daily goal so I dont gain? I have so many questions. What does everyone else do when the hankering for chips, fries, cookies and chocolate just wont go away?


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    That's a tough one, I would not lower your intake at all. My suggestion would be to make sure you are eating healthy filling meals and snacks all day. I have low blood sugar, so I understand the getting dizzy if you don't eat. I would think a nice quick snack at work would be a 1 ounce chunk of cheese with some grapes or something like that. And protein for breakfast really helps me keep from mindless snacking during the day! You can add me as a friend if you'd like :)
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Try bingeing on lightly steamed broccoli. I can't even eat 30 calories worth of that stuff without feeling like my stomach is going to explode! And it keeps me full for a LONG time, too. Dip them in fat free dressing if you need to.

    Instead of lowering your calorie goal, try to just fit your favorite treats into your calorie budget? Put all of your day's snacks/ treats in a single zip lock bag, and put the rest away, preferably somewhere hard to reach and impossible to be seen.
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! (the snacking and tiredness, not the surgery)

    Usually I bolt at top speed AWAY FROM THE FOOD and take a quick walk with my dog or something to totally occupy my mind. Also keeping a list of WHY you want to get in better shape and putting it somewhere you'll always see it (such as the fridge) generally helps a lot. Try drinking somecold water, because sometimes when you're 'hungry' you're actually just dehydrated and dying for some H2O! For some reason eating crunchy healthy things like carrots curb my snacking rage. The key is to know that YOU are in control of your own self at all times, NO ONE and NOTHING else is. Hope this helps :D
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Your situation is complicated for sure - I wouldn't lower your calories unless you're actually advised to do so by a doctor. (Which I don't think would happen.)

    Since you feel better with eating something throughout the day, you need to anticipate that and have healthy snacks on hand. Veggies, fruits, string cheese, nuts etc. would be much better than the junk you're mentioning.

    When I'm on my TOM, and dealing with snacky cravings, I will cut up a protein bar into bite-size pieces and nibble on those. For some reason, it really does a good job of curbing the cravings especially if I drink water with them.

    As for the hankering for chips, fries, cookies and chocolate? I do occasionally eat the Special K chips with cottage cheese, fries are not worth wasting calories on, cookies - I might indulge in one if I have the calories to spare, and I allow myself two squares of dark chocolate most days. (Keeps me from feeling deprived.) Having healthy snacks on hand makes a world of difference.
  • oxlypglozzxo
    These are all great ideas! Thanks, I cant wait to hear more. I'm definitely going to keep my binges to strictly natural foods. See, my problem is, i work 12 hour days most days, so when I get off of work, I have no time for cooking! I usually hit up the drivethru. I WAS eating a cup of clam chowder for breakfast (i sleep too late to cook breakfast. although im now considering it) drinking water all day and having a small salad with no dressing at work. But then, lo and behold right before I get home, I am so starved I end up eating a Chicken Strip meal from Whataburger, or Taco Bell. Thank goodness I havent gained, just maintained, but i feel like I am getting older and I want to be healthier! I want to be lean and turn these jiggles into firmness!
  • oxlypglozzxo

    Since you feel better with eating something throughout the day, you need to anticipate that and have healthy snacks on hand. Veggies, fruits, string cheese, nuts etc. would be much better than the junk you're mentioning.

    As for the hankering for chips, fries, cookies and chocolate? I do occasionally eat the Special K chips with cottage cheese, fries are not worth wasting calories on, cookies - I might indulge in one if I have the calories to spare, and I allow myself two squares of dark chocolate most days. (Keeps me from feeling deprived.) Having healthy snacks on hand makes a world of difference.

    I like both of these ideas. I was doing great right after my surgery. I was drinking those carnation instant breakfasts, and eating protein bars, but i started to gain. So my doctor informed me that I Americans typically get their recommended amount of protein in their diets and that a girl of my size didnt need protein bars and shakes unless i wanted to gain weight. I'm just so confused. For now, I shall pack a get up and make some breakfast, pack some healthy snacks, and maybe ill try some healthy choice for dinner until i can figure out my dinner situation.