Giving this a go! Again.

I signed up for MFP about two years ago. At the same time, I hired a personal trainer. His goals were not the same goals as MFP, so I ended up getting confused in the long run. He helped me with my exercise regime, but I needed help with food planning. I admit that, because I got confused, I stopped trying all together and tried to do it all on my own. Bad mistake.

Fast forward to now. My daughters and I just got back from Glacier National Park. It was here that I realized just how out of shape I am. Because of this, I did not get to do as much hiking as I wanted and I missed out on on some great opportunities. One day, I stayed behind for four hours while my girls took a more strenuous trail, which I knew I would not be able to handle. Their pictures were absolutely stunning, and I cried in my tent that night.

So, here I am. I just finished logging seven days of meal planning. I am a little over my limit in some areas, but if I omit foods, I would basically be starving myself. Is it okay to be a little over your limit? I don't know the answer to that. Maybe you can help?

Looking to connect with like-minded people who want to shed pounds so they can enjoy the finer things in life, like hiking the great outdoors or even taking their pets for a walk. Because of my weight, I also have low back issues and walking is painful after awhile. My dog loves to go for walks, and I feel bad that I have made him just as lazy as I am. :(

Thank you for reading this. Sorry so long!



  • fiteyacom
    fiteyacom Posts: 14 Member
    you can do it this time! Add me to the friends and I'll support you as much as I can.