Anyone managed with gestational diabeties?

I’ve been away from the community taking a pause when I found out I was pregnant! But now I need the community again - I have gestational diabeties - most likely will go after birth but I have a daunting task of maintenance, gi index checking, and diary recording, got my premium account ready to track but I’m lacking tips, tricks, pitfalls I’m new to this & after a quick google found foods I thought to be good actually quite bad! (Im looking at you rice cracker). Anyone done this before? Managed it with diet alone? Or is diabetic & can share their advice? All ideas tips resources welcome! Feel like I’m flying blind.


  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    I’ve was only diagnosed 2 weeks ago so I’m still in the learning phase as well, but completely diet controlled and so good so far. I don’t seem to need to be a strict as a lot of others on carb intake to get good readings, but regardless am trying to set up healthy habits now so they come more naturally after baby. There is a Facebook group gestational diabetes support Australia and it’s actually really great for info and support :)

    Have you been given a BGL tester and do you have to check 4 times a day? That’s where I’m at atm ..
  • chrissywelsh10
    chrissywelsh10 Posts: 66 Member
    I get my tester on Monday (tomorrow) - 4 times a day too monitored by a nurse. Never thought of joining a Facebook group - that’s a good idea!

    Would you be ok if I follow you?
  • Lindsay375
    Lindsay375 Posts: 49 Member
    I had GD 2 years ago with my son. I ended up needing an overnight insulin and was given fats acting insulin for meals(but didn’t need it). I found fruit was terrible for me, a full banana made me go WAY over for breakfast. I struggled with getting enough carbs sometimes too, because getting too little is just as dangerous as getting too many.
    Did they set you up with an endocrinologist and dietician? I got my meal carb targets from them. I found eating the same thing helped me, so a lower carb Greek yogurt and like 7 grapes or a a few strawberries for breakfast. Chipotle was actually great for lunch if you did the salad.
    I then had NSTs once a week at the hospital since I was on insulin. Overall, just look at the fact it’s temporary, and that there is an end date!!
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    I get my tester on Monday (tomorrow) - 4 times a day too monitored by a nurse. Never thought of joining a Facebook group - that’s a good idea!

    Would you be ok if I follow you?

    I’ve found the FB group really helpful even just reading through other peoples questions has answered a lot of my own.
    Definitely welcome to follow :)

  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    I am a type 1 adult onset diabetic. Through diet, I've been able to get off insulin and stay off.

    I eat pescatarian, which is a plant based diet with seafood, eggs and some dairy.
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    LyndaBSS wrote: »
    I am a type 1 adult onset diabetic. Through diet, I've been able to get off insulin and stay off.

    I eat pescatarian, which is a plant based diet with seafood, eggs and some dairy.

    Forgive me, I don't mean to offend, but I've always understood Type 1 diabetes to be called insulin-dependent diabetes because the body does not make insulin. Is there a way for people with Type 1 diabetes to be off insulin?

    I had GD with my most recent pregnancy, I controled it with diet alone. I used MFP to track my macros.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    When they tested my pancreas antibodies, they showed that my pancreas was now producing insulin.

    I believe there are differences between adult onset and standard type 1.

    And no offense taken. 😉