
SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
and i'm talking about coworkers, friends etc. what was their first impression of you? after getting to know you, how did they describe you?

for me, most peoples' first impression without talking to me is that i'm a bit snobbish, from what they have told me. but after having convos and seeing how i act, i've been labeled emo, hippie, rastafarian LOL.

how about you guys? i always find these types of discussion interesting because perceptions of folks without words exchanged are usually 100% wrong lol


  • Rudy21usu
    The only stereo Types I like are: Sony, JVC and Bose, I would stay away from panasonic! lol.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    *insert comedic drum here* ba DUM DUM..
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    I don't know. Nobody's ever shared their first impression of me that I remember. That's probably means it wasn't a good one. I'd like to think that after getting to know me, they're far too embarrassed to mention that they ever though ill of me, and so they don't.
    People have told me that I'm more easy going than I look though. :-)
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I haven't been told my stereotype since I was in my late teens, honestly. I used to be told I look like a b*tch, but people later found that I'm actually not and that I'm "crazy" (in the fun way, not the scary way).

    I'm in my 30s now and people very often approach me and talk to me out of the blue (almost to the point of it being ridiculous) - which leads me to believe I don't look so much like a b*tch anymore.

    I almost always let my true personality show without words because, as I got older, I genuinely stopped caring what people think of me. So my appearance often includes who I really am....which is a crazy woman. I wouldn't hesitate to climb a tree and steal someone's mangoes or to stick up for an underdog. Without words, those things say a lot about who I am. And it's hard to stereotype me inaccurately when I'm sharing a mango with you. It just is.
  • Peacebone
    Peacebone Posts: 21 Member
    I don't dress the same out of work than in work...

    People in work thought I was sweet and innocent... Then they got to know me!

    People I meet outside of work seem to think I am a bit of a rocker, or a raver. Many think I am well traveled and well read (I'm not).
  • CourteneyLove
    CourteneyLove Posts: 246 Member
    people tend to think the same about me.
    i am very tall so i think that gives me an added intimidation factor.
    people usually say that i look very focused or mean when they first see/meet me.
    after they get to know me they realize that i am a kind hearted person who loves to laugh and interact with others.

    it is funny to think of how different we perceive people after we get to know them.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    At first, people think I'm shy. Once they get to know me, they think I'm hilarious.

    They're right on both accounts.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member

    people very often approach me and talk to me out of the blue (almost to the point of it being ridiculous) - .

    i SWEAR i thought this only happened to me. the point where i don't even get surprised anymore

    And it's hard to stereotype me inaccurately when I'm sharing a mango with you. It just is.

    i completely agree :flowerforyou:

    don't dress the same out of work than in work...

    People in work thought I was sweet and innocent... Then they got to know me!

    same here! lol
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    and why do you guys think that is? is there a particular facial structure that just comes across as rude regardless of how the person is personality-wise? maybe subconscious facial expressions we use? it's intriguing because as humans, we have no problem drawing conclusions on someone we know absolutely nothing about
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    and why do you guys think that is? is there a particular facial structure that just comes across as rude regardless of how the person is personality-wise? maybe subconscious facial expressions we use? it's intriguing because as humans, we have no problem drawing conclusions on someone we know absolutely nothing about

    For me, I think it was / is my size. I'm still a pretty big guy and I think people can view me as intimidating, even though I'm anything but. I have often not done things I wanted to because I thought that the only reason I was being allowed to was because the person was too intimidated to say no.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    and why do you guys think that is? is there a particular facial structure that just comes across as rude regardless of how the person is personality-wise? maybe subconscious facial expressions we use? it's intriguing because as humans, we have no problem drawing conclusions on someone we know absolutely nothing about

    I think my face naturally falls into a somewhat sullen look. But when I was much much younger, I was actually trying to keep people away from me, maybe not so much look like a b*tch. I didn't realize I was doing such a good job accomplishing both.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    yeah when i was in high school i was trying to keep people away as well so maybe that's it? it can't be the case now because people will just walk up and start talking to me like we're bff's and i've never met them before lol
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    yeah when i was in high school i was trying to keep people away as well so maybe that's it? it can't be the case now because people will just walk up and start talking to me like we're bff's and i've never met them before lol
    I'm there, dude. Normally, I visit a local coffee house, but her hours are short and there are times I'm like "I would really like to kick back at Starbucks just to people-watch and think about stuff." But every time I went I had some stranger plant himself or herself across from me and tell me their life's story. And the story is usually disturbing. I just listen and let them talk 'cause I get the feeling it's a catharsis for them. But because this happens so often, if I just want to think and people-watch, I don't go to places with tables LOL.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    LOL yeah it's the same here. i always wonder what kind of person they are, or how bad their problems must be to be ballzy enough to converse with a complete stranger about what's troubling them. my boyfriend says i'm too friendly with strangers and i make friends with everyone, but he's started to realize i never approach folks, they're always coming to me. male, female..whatever.

    crazy story, but in college, for some reason, i would always run across drunken passed out people. and have to go through ridiculous processes to wake them up, and get them home. maybe it's good karma in my chi? LOL
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I recently moved from NJ to Michigan for my job. I never met anyone in my lab before I took the job, so, being from NJ, they told me they pretty much expected me to show up for work sporting a lycra animal-print dress and a Bumpit.

    I am sad that I missed that opportunity, because I would have. Complete with acrylic nails and a spray tan.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    LOL yeah it's the same here. i always wonder what kind of person they are, or how bad their problems must be to be ballzy enough to converse with a complete stranger about what's troubling them. my boyfriend says i'm too friendly with strangers and i make friends with everyone, but he's started to realize i never approach folks, they're always coming to me. male, female..whatever.

    crazy story, but in college, for some reason, i would always run across drunken passed out people. and have to go through ridiculous processes to wake them up, and get them home. maybe it's good karma in my chi? LOL

    People say the same thing about me, that I make friends with everyone! But I'm like "look, next time we're out, watch how I don't even try to talk to people." And sure enough, EVERYwhere we go, I pick up "friends". It's great because I know lots of people and have loads of strange experiences to share when it's finally my turn to talk someone's ear off. But sometimes I really do want to have that "alone in a crowded room" feeling and I can't get it.

    I think it could have something to do with karma/chi/spirit whatever. I attract an inordinate amount of animals and kids to me as well. Babies and little kids can NOT ignore me. I don't have to do anything except be standing within 5-10 feet of them. They stare, smile or start acting out and checking to make sure I'm their audience. It's not just a kid or baby here and there, it's EVERY one I'm around. Teenagers, for whatever reason immediately love me and confide in me. On the surface, I'm by no means a calm and peaceful person, an animal person, and I don't even dig being around kids that much. But I think that there's more to it than what kind of person I am, like maybe the spirit comes into it somehow.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I recently moved from NJ to Michigan for my job. I never met anyone in my lab before I took the job, so, being from NJ, they told me they pretty much expected me to show up for work sporting a lycra animal-print dress and a Bumpit.

    I am sad that I missed that opportunity, because I would have. Complete with acrylic nails and a spray tan.

  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    I recently moved from NJ to Michigan for my job. I never met anyone in my lab before I took the job, so, being from NJ, they told me they pretty much expected me to show up for work sporting a lycra animal-print dress and a Bumpit.

    I am sad that I missed that opportunity, because I would have. Complete with acrylic nails and a spray tan.

    that is HILARIOUS!
    But sometimes I really do want to have that "alone in a crowded room" feeling and I can't get it.

    I think it could have something to do with karma/chi/spirit whatever. I attract an inordinate amount of animals and kids to me as well. Babies and little kids can NOT ignore me. I don't have to do anything except be standing within 5-10 feet of them. They stare, smile or start acting out and checking to make sure I'm their audience. It's not just a kid or baby here and there, it's EVERY one I'm around. Teenagers, for whatever reason immediately love me and confide in me. On the surface, I'm by no means a calm and peaceful person, an animal person, and I don't even dig being around kids that much. But I think that there's more to it than what kind of person I am, like maybe the spirit comes into it somehow.

    i can completely relate! especially with the kids, baby, teen situation. i've always been at ease around them even if it's the first meeting i've never had any 'act out' or even act afraid of me. some people believe karma/chi/spirits are a bunch of bull but i think there's a lot about ourselves and the universe that we don't/aren't meant to understand. some people have kind spirits, while others are a bit more turbulent. it's all so interesting!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I've been told by quite a few people that when they first met me they expected me to be a total airhead, high maintenance princess and a complete b*tch. I think I should be offended by that maybe?

    But after getting to know me I think people are surprised by my intelligence and how outdoorsy and active I am. I've actually had several people ask me where I got so smart or how I knew so much. Also, no one really believes that I actually like hiking, rock climbing, etc apparently I don't "look" like that kind of person. Again, not sure if I should be offended by that.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    I've been told by quite a few people that when they first met me they expected me to be a total airhead, high maintenance princess and a complete b*tch. I think I should be offended by that maybe?

    But after getting to know me I think people are surprised by my intelligence and how outdoorsy and active I am. I've actually had several people ask me where I got so smart or how I knew so much. Also, no one really believes that I actually like hiking, rock climbing, etc apparently I don't "look" like that kind of person. Again, not sure if I should be offended by that.

    that's interesting. and that also raises the question of what does 'smart' or 'outdoorsy' look like..