Questions about PMS (sorry guys you'll have to sit this one

130bythirty Posts: 6
edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, Ladies, PMS is a killer for me. Literally, I turn into something that you only read about in a Stephen King novel, and although that's a problem there is a bigger problem. I WANT FOOD! Lots of it. I want everything I can get my hands on. The more I try to resist it the more irritable I get. To clarify I'm not talking your regular run of the mill snappiness. I'm talking sit up in the middle of the bed, head sprinning around, scaring the hell out of a priest type mood swings.
So, my question is do I eat a little more or still fight it? Now, I know there will be some of you that answer along the lines of "control" but I must also add that during this time I truly have none. I feel like a prisoner in my body. HELP!


  • patiencez2
    patiencez2 Posts: 160 Member
    Try to find low fat,sugar free things that you crave during this time. I know some will disagree. I dont have my monthly anymore.
    But I sure have the monthly mood swings! and cravings for chocolate chocolate chocolate just the same.I will take someones head off in a heart beat at this time. I have tried all my life to control this to no evail. Good Luck and we can do this yes we can!
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    I think alot of ladies have this issue. Its hard to overcome horomones without medication. I get really bad mood swings anymore. I usually just explain to the bf or whoever else that I'm prob gonna be in a bad mood for the next week so don't be offended by it. As far as food, I have the same issue, its like I crave everything and my body seems determined to get it. I usually try to substitute healthy options....If I crave sugar I'll have some fruit or something low fat etc. but sometimes I do cave during this time period and I just try to do better when its all over.
  • EllenSBry
    EllenSBry Posts: 12 Member
    What if you allowed yourself to eat more, but just added in more exercise? That would help with the additional calories AND the least it helps my mood.
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    Lots of people get the 'Hunger monster' at that time of the month, I know I sure do.

    For me there are two ways to look at it - I know that no matter how much I eat I wont be satisfied and will still feel like I'm hungry and want more, so I still have to have some control so that I don't go crazy and consume every thing in sight. On the other hand I know if I don't eat a little more than usual I am going to spend the day miserable and grumpy - at the time I am most hungry it's because my body is preparing for what's to come and the metabolism is naturally boosted a little, so it's OK to have that little bit more than you usually would.

    I've been losing weight for over 3 years now and have never gained weight (other than water/bloating weight that drops straight back off again) during my TOM so - eat a little more, just don't go crazy is my advice :)
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I eat! And when I'm doing good with tracking my calories the rest of the time, I do good! It doesn't affect my weight loss at all. I eat what I want and I eat until I'm full. Otherwise, I will be more miserable and an even bigger b**** than I was to begin with. Also, you can google search foods to help with PMDD and that will help with the mood swings.
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member
    I think if you are prepared to be on your healthy eating plan for the long haul - then just go for what your body/mind is demanding for.

    You can always try harder when your demands pass and get back on target then.

    Its only a monthly blip - but you would probably be unbearable to live with if you dont give in just once in a while (speaking from experience now ha ha)


    Paula x :happy:
  • jd338
    jd338 Posts: 14
    I like the eat more, exercise more idea....when you need chocolate, frankly you just need it! Also, can you go on the pill? That helped me A LOT! It just evened things out all around...I take a low estrogen dose pill....maybe ask your doc?
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    If you feel like you need to eat more, why not try and plan that in :) Planning ahead means that you're less likely to go overboard with the cravings. You could either get an extra workout in to get extra calories (exercise can help for PMS too) or you can just plan for maintenance calores for a few days. You won't gain any from maintenance apart from maybe general TOM bloating and you can go back to a deficit afterwards. It might help also to eat the calories spaced out every few hours of smaller meals so that you're less likely to feel hunger.
  • lily1972
    lily1972 Posts: 375 Member
    Things get a little crazy for me too... I have found that eating more fiber and protein really helps: especially in the form of legumes (chick peas, beans, lentils) that you can discretely add to almost any dish... because of their high iron content - which you will need! I have also found that omega 3 supplements are very effective for controlling mood swings... If all else fails, I agree that a good workout will not only help you feel better and vent that frustration :wink: , but will allow you to eat more! :bigsmile:

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • I understand what you are saying, I have felt the same way. Have you ever went in to have your hormones checked? I have felt this way many a times and come that time of the month I start yelling and fighting with my husband. Now that we have realized that it is a problem and not one that I can necesarly control I am able to give him a warning and tell him to check himself and help me by not being so irratating. And by this I mean if he starts breathing loud, eating to fast, sitting to close or laughing at something that I don't find funny. I mean stupid things that are maybe slightly bothersome on an everyday but come this time of the month it doesn't matter anything can set me off. We have done our best to be able to get through this time with as little fights as possible now that we know it is a problem. I was diagnosed with poly cysitic ovarian syndrome with along with some challenging symptoms a hormone embalance is part of it. There are other things that have this problem as well. I'd suggest going and getting this checked out from your doctor. Their might be medicine that can help. For me it would be birth control but since we are trying to have a baby that really doesn't work. As for the food problem I do get those cravings as well. Your body is telling you that it wants something. I do my best by eliminating all of these foods that I shouldn't have from the house. Knowing that it is a problem I just have to do my best to keep my goals in mind and limit the intake as best as possible. Doing more and better the other weeks will help balance it out too. Good luck.
  • I'm with you sister! I actually have PCOD (poly cystic ovary disease). There's no cure. They only treat the symptoms and that only helps somewhat. I keep telling my doctor that I seriously have absolutely no control during the PMS days. And for me that lasts about 2 weeks!! How am I supposed to lose when I'm completely out of control for half of every month?! The only thing I've been able to come up with is to add more exercise. Allow yourself to eat what you crave, perhaps in smaller amounts. Then double up on your exercise. The exercise will not only counteract some of those extra calories, it will also engage your endorphins and help lighten your mood! Keep your eyes on the prize and don't let that PMS monster ruin your life! :flowerforyou:
  • Monkeylost
    Monkeylost Posts: 121 Member
    I started taking Zinc supplements to help with mine check out this link And Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

    I know my PMS food cravings have reduced and my sense of taste is a lot better than ever since I started taking it.. I don't know if it's due to the supplement but I'm going to keep taking it any way. Xxxx
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    What if you allowed yourself to eat more, but just added in more exercise? That would help with the additional calories AND the least it helps my mood.

    This is what I do too.
  • Thank y'all so much! It helps just knowing I'm not alone in this. Which I knew already but sometimes it can feel that way. I have often wondered if I suffer from PMDD instead of PMS and I mean to speak with my doctor about this at my next appointment. I'm going to take everything that was said here and roll it around in my brain and come up with what's best for me. I just love the support on here. THANK YOU! :flowerforyou:
  • Sometime our bodies during that monthly dreaded curse requires us to make moderations in our food intake. I would say try and drink a bottled water first and then if the craving doesn't go away go ahead and induldge but just maybe make sure you get in a little more exercise that day as well as the day after.
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    I can have horrible pms sometimes. It drives my husband nuts. And I usually ALWAYS ruin my diet on those days. I try to have as much self control as possible, but honestly I give in more than I say no. It helps me to keep up with my exercise on those days - I try to run a little longer or faster and it really clears my mind and makes me feel less guilty about all the crap I shoveled in my face earlier. Mostly, I just kind of try and cut myself some slack on the bad days, and just keep on truckin' until I get back to my normal, less-crazy self :)
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Have you thought about finding out what is happening to your hormone balance? Tthere are some supplements and 'non scarey' type natural products from the health food store that can help, sorry haven't needed them for years so I've forgotten the names.
  • I've heard that the female body actually does burn more calories during PMS. This seems to be confirmed by googling but I don't want to spread rumors or misinformation so don't take my word.

    All I can tell you is my personal experience: I always go over my calorie limit during PMS, and after all the water weight is gone there isn't any damage on the scale. I usually indulge myself and end up ok. Not that this is advice to anyone, everyone should do their best to stick to their diet all the time, but this is honestly my experience.
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