thinking about getting a personal trainer

hi guys,

i need your help, im thinking of getting a personal trainer as i need help with building strength mainly.

i do alot of cardio and have no problems with that, its just that PT can be expensive and i need to be sure it will benefit me and be a good investment.

I cant really afford it too be honest but will need to work overtime to pay for it..

any thoughts would be greatly appreciated..



  • sherrisloan
    sherrisloan Posts: 188 Member
    If you have an iphone you can use ipersonal trainer. The app cost 1.99 but well worth it. You can also get a lot of ideas of the internet and write them in a spiral and take a long with you.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    I hear Tony Horton runs about $100 but you get as many training sessions as you want up to 365 a year.

    P90X will get you stronger and Kick your @ss in the process.

    If you need the accountability of an appointment with someone to make you go to the gym however then a personal trainer could be a small price to pay for your goals.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Do you currently attend a gym? See if they have some PTs and then ask if you can have just one session or a sit down and talk with them for free to try it out. If the gym is there to help you then they should be willing to comply. Honestly you can find anything you need on the internet, but I think having a session with a PT will help. You don't want to over exert yourself and get hurt!
  • alexis92
    alexis92 Posts: 64
    i love jazzercies- the have cardio routines as well as strength routines on the floor and standing up. I use Jazzercise Live, and the 60 minute workout incorporates cardio and strength. give it a try!
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    I've used trainers in the past, and it really helps motivate me and always gives me new workouts to change things up that I can continue on my own when my sessions are up. But make sure the trainer knows what he/she is doing. I find that good trainers spend some time explaining the exercise and what it's for, and also explains proper form. That's really important to avoid injury.

    I think it's worth it if you can afford it, I'm a person who is motivated by others so it's always helped me!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I just got the book "The New Rules for Strength Training for Women". It seems to provide a lot of good information on strength training .
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I have a personal trainer whom I like a lot.. and your right, they are expensive! I've personally lost 25 pounds with mine through, the weights, cardio and just a general diet clean up.

    If you can't afford one right now, I'd say save up until you can. I need to re-sign with mine soon and it's rough because I don't think I'll have enough either, but i'm going to try to make work because they really are a good investment.
  • duqtape
    duqtape Posts: 121 Member
    I have to agree on the New Rules for Women. Its a great book, and at like 15 dollars, you could learn just as much as a personal trainer could tell you. Well, they could tell you more in some cases, but honestly, after a year working at Bally TF, personal training is a money racket. You only need a weekend of training to be one. 500 out of pocket and you are training people.

    Now, that doesn't mean that there are not excellent trainers out there, because there are, but if you can't afford it, save your money and get the book. I have read several books on weight lifting and it's probably my favorite. My point is, trainers are pricey and you don't actually know what level of training they have. Save the luxury for when you have more money. They are awesome, but you can learn so much be reading some good books.
  • immz35
    immz35 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks guys for all your wondefull help,

    motivation for strength work is another reason why i am considering the PT

    im gonna invest in a good book and gonna try a session of PT,

    i am a member of a gym but dont use the weight section as much as i should i lack motivation and get bored easy,
    I guess what i am saying is that i dont enjoy it that much,
    I play a lot of squash its where i get most of my cardio from, i really enjoy playing it, i luv squash and could play everyday, but in order to improve my game i need to gain some strength..

    what is p90x?

    thanks for all ur replies, i appreciate each and every reply..