People who work full time how do you find time to work out



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Honestly, it’s kind of unfair because I work in a physically demanding job outside, so I get that exercise in. With that said, I do wake up at 4:00 and go to the gym because of family obligations after work. Does it suck, yeah. It what do you want from your body and how do you achieve that? You should never be comfortable in what you’re doing. Make the time for your body, so it will extend time for your life. Hope this helps some

    That's ridiculous...
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I have a full-time desk job, 3 kids and divorced so doing it solo.
    Just like everything else in life, you make time for things that are important.
    I work 8-4:30 and live close to my job (easy commute has been a life saver). The gym I go to has great childcare and my kids get to burn off some energy when I'm working out.
    I agree with others to have a gym bag ready and go straight there from work maybe twice a week then again on the weekends/your days off. You do not have to work out every day to lose weight, if that is your goal. It's all about eating less to drop the pounds. Also wanted to add what has helped me keep going to the gym is having a goal. Recently that was to to work my way up to a 10k as I had a charity race a couple weeks ago. Now it is to continue my running and lower my time at the next race at the beginning of September.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    bhanvi30 wrote: »
    Hello everyone!

    In past I had lost 40 pounds and was able to maintain a healthy lifestyle (i was in college). As soon as I started working (desk job) I started gaining all my weight back. After working for 8 hours every day I have no energy or motivation left to go to the gym and it’s really hard to wake up early in the morning to go to gym since I have such little time now.

    How do you guys do it? How do you manage time, find motivation and energy to go to gym? What does your schedule look like?

    Would really appreciate all the help!

    IMO motivation is a fleeting resource. I am of the mind that habits drive success. Goals are important, but it's the system that gets the job done. Build better habits to build a better body.

    I am up at 5am to get my training in...
  • George_of_the_Jungle
    George_of_the_Jungle Posts: 3,316 Member
    If you really want it, you'll make the time
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    I work 8-5 with 45 min commute each way. I got started by doing home videos on youtube, as that minimized inconvenience to my existing schedule/energy level.

    -When I first started I did 15 min videos 2x a week. It was conscious thought to have to start the video instead of internet browsing, and I did it grudgingly.
    -Then after a few months I did 20-30 mins worth of videos 3x a week. Still conscious thought to start, but feeling better for having done it.
    -Within 6 months I was trying to do 20-30 mins 5 days a week (work mornings). It was no longer a conscious thought since it was a daily routine at this point.

    I did not set out with the intention of increasing exercise. It just felt right to do more days as I got used to new morning routine and got more energy. And I am NOT a morning person, but by the time I get home from work I'm hungry and I wouldn't choose exercise over food...then I'm too full...then it is bed time...yeah.

    Things that helped me when I first started:
    -Make it a routine. Mine was to wake up at 5am and start video on computer as soon as I was dressed.
    -Organized potential beginner videos with bookmark folders so starting in the morning took 2 clicks
    -Paid attention to how I felt afterwards. Even if I was yawning during warmup stretches, I was awake and alert by the time I was done. My bosses also noticed I was perkier on the mornings I worked out, which was good for my self-esteem and feeling the earlier alarm was worth it.
    -Paid attention to how I felt, pt 2: Noticed on the few mornings that I chose sleeping in over workout, I felt no better rested. So might as well get up and exercise the next time...

    It sounds corny but if you commit to making the habit things will get easier. It will become easier to make time for it in your day, to not have to mentally prepare for delaying current relaxation routine. If you had asked me a year ago if I would be doing the things I do now, I would have laughed. I cannot stress enough that I did not actively/consciously set out to change my movement habits to this degree, it just became natural in a way I would not have thought possible.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    i use the gym at work (a benefit for me) - and i'm lucky if my day is only 8 hours (I easily can log 9-10 hours with a 1hour commute minimum each way) plan - i'm up at 5:15, out the door by 5:45, at work by 6:45 - eitehr i go to my desk and work and then go to the gym right after work; or I go to the gym and then at my desk by for 8(ish) hours...leave work sometime between 4 and 6pm, drive home, prep food and bag for the next day, rinse and repeat
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited August 2019
    bhanvi30 wrote: »
    Hello everyone!

    In past I had lost 40 pounds and was able to maintain a healthy lifestyle (i was in college). As soon as I started working (desk job) I started gaining all my weight back. After working for 8 hours every day I have no energy or motivation left to go to the gym and it’s really hard to wake up early in the morning to go to gym since I have such little time now.

    How do you guys do it? How do you manage time, find motivation and energy to go to gym? What does your schedule look like?

    Would really appreciate all the help!

    I get up at 3:15 a.m., at the gym by 4:30 (at the latest), work out until 6:00. Shower and dress at the gym and head straight to work. Work from 7:00 to 3:30, during which I walk on my morning, lunch and afternoon breaks, except on Tuesday when I do yoga at lunch.

    In order to do this, I'm in bed by 7:45 p.m. typically. I lay out my gym clothes and work clothes the night before, and pack my breakfast, lunch and snacks.
  • AfreezeAdventure
    AfreezeAdventure Posts: 23 Member
    I am currently working on getting in shape as well. I work anywhere from 4x 10-hour shifts to 7x 14-hour shifts.
    The best method is to go in the morning. Even if you're not a morning person. Change your alarm on your phone to get up 1-hour early on Mon/Wed/Friday's and go to the gym.
    If you're someone who just won't get out of bed. Go RIGHT after work. Do not go home, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Straight. To. Gym. I am someone who has associated being at my home with watching movies, playing video games, and just flat out relaxing. If I don't go straight to the gym, I simply won't find the motivation to go.

    By asking questions like "How do you get motivated" you're already taking the first step to your own motivation. You just gotta stop convincing yourself there is something better to be doing. Because there is not.
  • missjck2
    missjck2 Posts: 146 Member
    I work 12 hr shifts, rotating from days to nights every 2 months. When I work days I work out for an hr after work. When I work nights I workout for an hr during work (thankfully we have a small gym and have the option). On my days of I work out for 2 hrs. I also incorporate 1 rest day in the midst of my crazy schedule which is usually on a work day.
    I think it’s a matter of determination and routine. There are many days where I just want to go home after a long shift but the results push me. I’m also kind of used to it, over 2 months in and 1 clothing size down.
  • leebirm
    leebirm Posts: 95 Member
    I work and 8-4 desk job as well

    I'm an early riser anyway so 3 or 4 times a week I'm in the gym for about 5:15am, at first I was only doing about 20/25 minutes on the treadmill so I was back home for before 6am.

    As I'm getting a little fitter I'm wanting to spend longer in there so now I'm getting in the gym at 5:15am and spending 25 minutes on the exercise bike and then going back after work (usually about 8pm) and spending 40/50 minutes on the treadmill.

    I live alone so outside of work my time is my own which makes things a lot easier.
  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    edited August 2019
    It took me about 4 months into my weight loss journey to feel like I had the time and motivation to do purposeful exercise. (As others have said, you don't have to exercise for weight loss or maintenance, but it is very good for overall health and longevity). I have always defined myself as a person who hates exercise, so I didn't even want to get started.

    On encouragement from my therapist, I took a look at my daily routine and tried to find a place where I could fit in 15 min of easy exercise 3 days a week. I decided on before work, Monday Wednesday and Friday. I basically wrote out what triggers I needed to get into this habit.

    1. Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursday nights, I set the next's days work-outfit out on the bed, and bring workout clothes with my to BF's house that evening (I spend nights there).
    2. On waking up Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, I get dressed directly into workout clothes.
    3. Drive to my apartment, put my stuff down, pour a glass of water, and go into the front room, taking out the weights I need, and put on a cooking show or comedy show on youtube (I hate listening to music while exercising).
    4. Do a little warm-up, 8 min. of strength training, and a little warm-down (in 15 min).

    The key to keeping up my habit is making it as easy on myself as possible. I set out all my clothes and equipment the day before, I use heavier weights very very VERY gradually, I don't wake up too prohibitively early (usually 6:30 am), I don't make the workout longer than 15 min, and I change it up every so often.

    My goal is to keep a habit of exercise, so it makes sense for me to fit in an enjoyable workout that's not ridiculously grueling or discouraging. I'm not trying to build heavy muscle, I'm not training for a marathon, and I'm not trying to get rock-hard abs. I'm just trying to build a habit of activity.

    It's been much easier and much more enjoyable for me to fit in NEAT activities during the rest of my day. I walk much more during my commute, I go on weekend walks very often now, I will hike for fun as well. I think the non-exercise activity has been more crucial to my weight loss success than the purposeful exercise.
  • tjones0411
    tjones0411 Posts: 179 Member
    Like many others, I get my workout in before work. I get up at 4:15 and workout from 5am - 6am. Then come home, get myself ready and the kids up/fed/ready for school. I work until 5:30pm and will often take a walk in the evenings and lift 3x/week in the evenings.

    I find that if I don't set the tone and get my workout in before I go to work, I'm often too tired to do it after work.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    I get home from work, walk the puppy, change into my gym togs, drive to the gym, take care of business, drive home, shower, change and get dinner, either get it or make it depending on wife's mood and energy. Easy.
  • mhurckes
    mhurckes Posts: 1 Member
    It's all about getting your routine in shape. I'm up at 5 prework out and bathroom, at the gym by 5:20, work out till 6. Then shower and get dressed and on the way to work by 7.
  • tarambanks13
    tarambanks13 Posts: 1 Member
    I have an hour lunch at work so I go the the gym across the street and workout for about 35-45 minutes or just walk around outside for an hour. I work 7-5 so I have no motivation at all to workout in the mornings and 5pm is just too crowded at the gym and all I want to do is go home haha.
  • rexlutz
    rexlutz Posts: 6 Member
    Desk job here too. I work 6am -3pm (get up a 4am leave for work at 5 am, so morning workouts are tough for me)
    I eat lunch at my desk and use my lunch hour to walk 3-4 miles
    I park far away from my building
    I try to take walks every hour...keep moving throughout the day
    I walk another 3-4 miles after dinner, and sometimes fit a 30-40 min workout in around 7 or 8
    For me, the workouts are more in the Winter when it is more difficult to walk
  • Miss_Snow_White
    Miss_Snow_White Posts: 64 Member
    I have the same problem!! When I worked at a desk down in the city I would go walking on my lunch break and pack a gym bag. I'd go straight to the gym after work because if I went home first it was game over, I wouldn't go to the gym at all. But now I work from home and the struggle is insanely harder. I started doing little 10 minutes, low impact work out videos found on YouTube and try to do it at least once a day when i am feeling pretty good (usually mid morning). It does help build up energy to do more if you do it regularly. .. just start small and go from there!! It doesn't matter its just a little bit, a little bit is better than nothing!
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    Long walk/run around 5-6am. The motivation for that one has four legs, a fat head, and a drool problem.
    Weights at some point in the evening. I only have to walk as far as the lounge, and the toyboy is always willing to spot me.

    Working out makes you less tired, I find. If I don't work out for a while, I spend most of my out of work hours feeling too drained to do anything
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,876 Member
    I work 9-6:30 and workout after work. But hubby cooks during the week while I am at the gym. I do help him out by batch cooking things like braised dishes and stews and curries, or meatloaf on the weekend so that half the time he just needs to warm up something from the freezer while he boils or microwaves some rice or potatoes.
  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 701 Member
    Different scenario, but I think an example that illustrates the point.

    I'm the eldest of 5 siblings, when I was in my early teens and youngest was 3, my mum went to university.
    It required effort, discipline, compromise, planning, flexibility and a whole lot of other stuff.

    What I learned was that you can do whatever you want, you have to commit to the decision, make a plan and follow it.
    Sometimes things don't work out, no problem, new plan - same goal.

    The difficulty is getting up - can you go to bed earlier?
    Is there somewhere you can go that's close to work, or on the way home?
    Is there a social activity that your friends do, or would be prepared to do with you? Much more difficult to wimp out if someone is waiting.

    I pick slightly scary fitness goals and talk about them. Have to do it then as have paid money and don't want to look like an idiot.