Just starting today- 1200 calories.. Really?

Hi all... looking for motivation and support. I have felt like my excercise is "ok"--but, I know that my food intake (portion) is my main problem. Really Really need any help I can get. I am 49 years old and have 40 pounds to lose. In May of next year I will turn 50.. and would love to say that I am in terrific shape when I turn 50. Staying active, healthy and young looking!


  • debclif
    debclif Posts: 74 Member
    For food intake, salad has become my best friend. Also for a crunch magic pop, I buy it at Shoprite, its these rice puffs that are 15 calories, super good. I also drink lots of water before I eat. Usually while cooking, I feel fuller sooner. Good luck and see you around.
  • ljscar12
    ljscar12 Posts: 24
    Hard work and persistence. You will get there. Feel free to add me if you like. Your 1st and most important step is being here @ MFP. Next you need to get diet/food portion under control with moderate to challenging exercise. You will succeed and look great @ 50...
  • mnec2010
    mnec2010 Posts: 132 Member
    I know it sucks, especially if you are used to eating bigger portions. I find that logging food becomes more of a habit then an annoyance. It may seem hard at first, but its really not. Youll get used to it - but it will be hard at first. Stick with it! And this site is great for coming to find support.
  • Hi! I can relate! I'm almost 48 and I'm thinking it's about time for me to get myself in shape, too. :P If you're starting at 1200 calories, don't worry......if you exercise, you'll earn extra. I read an article on here yesterday about how you should eat all those extra calories you earn, and WHY you should eat them (you can find it on the forum, it's one of the things that are recommended to read for people just getting started). It was really helpful! Anyway, if you'd like to add me, I try to be a good motivation partner!! :)
  • Friend gave me the site. Looking to keep track of what i eat and see the effects ... positive or negative. Need to take responsibility.
  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    Portions were my biggest enemy too so I know what you mean! You can do it though. Feel free to add me if you like, I love giving support. I am still needing to get a food scale to help me with portions, but measuring out my food and servings has really helped! Good luck :)
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Some tricks I've read about are to use a smaller plate 7" is what I use ... only eat at the table, never in front of the TV or computer (i.e., mindlessly), and eat foods that are nutrient dense. I don't have any problem eating up to and under 1200 calories and do not go hungry. My diary is open if you want to look at.

    P.S. Welcome!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Some tricks I've read about are to use a smaller plate 7" is what I use ... only eat at the table, never in front of the TV or computer (i.e., mindlessly), and eat foods that are nutrient dense. I don't have any problem eating up to and under 1200 calories and do not go hungry. My diary is open if you want to look at.

    P.S. Welcome!
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    Yea I remember what that initial few days felt like! Add me if you like! I'm also at 1230 cals a day net. I eat 5 or 6 times a day and that seems to really help control my hunger!
  • Can you post the link to the article about eating all of your exercise calories? Thank you!
  • LessMe2B
    LessMe2B Posts: 316
    It does get easier, I promise. In the beginning I used Healthy Choice, Smart Ones, and Weight Watchers meals for lunch and fiber bars, rice cakes, and other diet treats. The sodium content is high, :ohwell: but it really helped me get the portion thing under control and I came home with enough calories left that I could have dinner. :laugh: I also started walking at night and bringing the hubs and the dogs; they considered it a scheduled activity that could not be postponed or cancelled no matter what....there was my exercise willpower!! :laugh:

    My best piece of advice is to get a routine down that keeps you at your calorie goal. Then once you've mastered that, start watching your fat, calories and making your exercise more challenging. DON'T TRY TO BE PERFECT AT EVERY ASPECT RIGHT AWAY....THAT NEVER WORKS!!!

    Good luck and welcome....YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Don't do 1200 if you don't want. It's the absolute minimum a woman should eat, not necessarily the most effective amount, and it's really hard and restrictive. Set your weight loss goals to a pound a week (or even 0.5lbs). Eat your exercise calories (workout more so you can get more).
  • msstep
    msstep Posts: 3
    Like mnec2010, I found it a bit difficult at first to log in everything I ate --- it's just part of the routine for me now. It's amazing how your attitude about certain foods can change when you realize how little nutrition they provide. If these are still something you REALLY want, try going with a smaller portion. I've tried a LOT of ways to lose weight before, and so far, this is the most successful and satisfying approach for me. Good Luck!
  • olso123
    olso123 Posts: 192 Member
    Welcome, I am at 1200 calories as well, at first I thought I would be starving, but and I have learned through trial and error and the great suggestions and diaries of my MFP friends what to add to my diet for a healthier more well balanced meal that keeps me full. I have come a long way and doing great with the food intake portion....for me this was the key to my success. Please feel free to add me as a friend....I would be happy to give support and encouragement.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Can you post the link to the article about eating all of your exercise calories? Thank you!


    there are tons of links in there with the whole story!
  • kathypasco
    kathypasco Posts: 5 Member
    Hi my name is Kathy and I just started this a few days ago. I am also looking to lose 40 or 50 pounds. At first the calorie intake scared me they had me at 1270 calories per day, i was scared also figured no way I can only eat 1200 calories but to my surprise I eat less then that per day. We can help each other through this process. We can do it.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Don't do 1200 if you don't want. It's the absolute minimum a woman should eat, not necessarily the most effective amount, and it's really hard and restrictive. Set your weight loss goals to a pound a week (or even 0.5lbs). Eat your exercise calories (workout more so you can get more).


    1 lb per week is recommended. If you changed it to 2 that's why it's so low. But that is not necessary. 2 lbs is ok for more than 50 lbs to lose because you can stand to have the larger deficit...
    20-50 to lose should go with 1 lb per week, and the last 20 should be at .5 a week.

    Also make sure your activity level is set correctly. You are not sedentary. Most people are active and don't know it. Take what you think is right and add 1 more level.
    I have to be set at VERY active just because I don't sit down at work, and work 40+ hours a week. I'm not an athlete, I don't play sports or train hard, I just stand a lot. Even at very active it tells me 1800 and I actually maintain at 2000. So choose a level higher than you think because they underestimate.