September Challenge & Motivation Group



  • keyaniab
    keyaniab Posts: 56
    Cant wait to get started:happy, this should be great! I've also started adding u guys as freinds too. :happy:
  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    can i still get in before the group is closed i need the motivation of group challenges
  • addijziem
    I'm in!!!
  • MrsVagus
    MrsVagus Posts: 82
    I'm in also! Sounds like a good challenge- looking forward to losing 10 in September!
  • evalosesit
    I would like to join, too!!
    September Shred sounds great! :)
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    I would like to join. Need all the moivation i can get.
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    Everyone up to this post is added... To keep the group small so we can get to know everyone I'm going to close the group at this point which brings us to a total of 23.... WOW! I never expected so many of you to want to join and soo quickly! This is awesome! SInce September Shred is the only suggestion and a pretty good one at that! I'm working on a banner for my signature - working on the size of it. Once it looks right, feel free to copy it if you want :happy:
  • katybatybear
    Group name suggestion: September Svelte :)
    Had a bowling team where all of us had the gastric surgery and we called it Slim Chance :) .......we were getting skinny and all had a second chance at life...not to mention i had a slim chance of hitting the pins becuase I had been out of practice on bowling for so long :)
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    Ok Here's the final group roster...

    Amber 393

    So we have a second suggestion for a team name September Svelte - I like this one too but we do have a guy on our team, a firefighter, and I'm not sure if svelte which means slender and elegant fits... let me know what you all think!
    Here's the code for the banner I created. Just change the img to lowercase and it should work. If we decide to change the name I'll just change the picture but not the code so we won't have to change it again.

    Ok I need to get on the ball today. Time to workout, get some papers graded, and lesson plans written. I'll check back in later!!
  • KJanae87
    KJanae87 Posts: 54
    Great! I am excited!!! So...where's everybody from? I am from the US...Maryland.

    Did we decide on a name for the group?
  • delmeg10
    delmeg10 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm so excited to start this! I'm also from Maryland, USA. My name is Meagan and I'm 25 years old. I have two little boys. Luke is 3 years old and Jake will be 1 on Thursday. Nice to meet everyone! :bigsmile:
  • MrsVagus
    MrsVagus Posts: 82
    I'm excited too! I am from Denver, CO. I have a 2 year old daughter who keeps me so busy all day long! My workout of choice is jazzercise- and my goal is to go 3-4 x/week and walk the rest of the days of the week. I have pretty much always struggled with my weight, and my weightloss so far has been slow as I have periods of doing really really well and then periods of doing really really bad! Trying to find that balance.
  • lrfhunt
    lrfhunt Posts: 5
    I would love to do this challenge, I definitley need all the support I can get! my current weight is 148 and I am 5'2. My complete goal is to get to 126. so 10 lbs in one month sounds awesome! I need tips!!!!!
  • Kaety03
    Kaety03 Posts: 16
    I'd like to sign up as well, if I'm not too late! My job is 60% percent travel, and over the last 4 years I've gained 35 pounds. Its time to end this madness! 10 lbs would be great :-)
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member

    I'm excited, ths will be my 2nd challenge after I complete my first one!

    Me? I'm 26 y/o from TN in a relationship with Daniel for two years. We've got two "kids" a dog and cat. Well, and his 10 year old daughter Grace but she's the best behaved of the three. LOL!!

    I work at home for Convergy's ATT answering questions about accounts - billing ,sales, technical, the whole shebang.

    I'm trying real hard to lower my sodium intake but so many foods that I love have it.. ::sad::

    Anywoo, feel free to add!

    I've found MFP addicting and I'm constantly checking here.

  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    Great! I am excited!!! So...where's everybody from? I am from the US...Maryland.

    Did we decide on a name for the group?

    Just a quick check in as I'm off to bed for the night.... I'm not sure if I said it in my original post but I'm from Jacksonville, Florida.

    As for the group name we are working with an unofficial name of September Shred but we have another idea on the table of September Svelte. Even though I am organizing us I'm not a dictator :wink: so everyone's input woud be great:happy:
  • delmeg10
    delmeg10 Posts: 92 Member
    I like September Shred. I wouldn't want to make the male in the group uncomfortable with the term svelte in our name. I'm ready to get this show on the road already!!! Come on September 1st!! We're starting this challenge on my little ones first birthday! :bigsmile:
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Hi, my name is Joanne. I am the mother of a 4, 6 and 8 year olds. I am currently training for a half marathon and doing turbofire. I might do a second round of P90X or start insanity again. I have been in maintenance mode the whole summer and am ready to kick start my weight loss again.
  • klsnell1981
    klsnell1981 Posts: 48 Member
    i would like to join as well, if there is still room on the team :)
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    I would love to join if there is still room, I am so close to my goal weight and have been trying to get this last 10-15 pounds off and was looking for a 10 pounds in September group so I am really excited! :)