New and shy

I'm Pam and new to this site and a little intimidated. Have tried sooooo many times to lose weight and failed each time. Have about 60 to lose now. Feeling very overwhelmed :). Any advice is greatly appreciated.


  • DWolf
    DWolf Posts: 9
    You can do it! Good luck and never stop trying. :)
  • suz74
    suz74 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi Pam and welcome to MFP....I know the feeling, I was a bit apprehensive of joining the community to start with but I'm so glad I did. Everyone is very friendly and there are some really helpful discussions and lots of motivation to keep you going. I had lost quite a bit of weight before I joined but have been really helped to get my fitness levels up and keep on track with my eating. Good luck with your new exciting journey :smile:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    Hi, and i am Pam too. You can do this.....I didn't think I could do it either. But with MFP, hard work, watching my diet and the support of people here, I am on my way. Please friend me....we can be diet buddies!

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
  • ilikeher
    ilikeher Posts: 78
    Pam, the people on this site are incredibly supportive. Stay strong and just keep pushing yourself!
  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    I'm Pam and new to this site and a little intimidated. Have tried sooooo many times to lose weight and failed each time. Have about 60 to lose now. Feeling very overwhelmed :). Any advice is greatly appreciated.
    Follow the suggestions on the honest with the parameters you start with. The site will calculate what your BMR is. If you want to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week, the site will give a suggestion as to what your caloric intake SHOULD be, which will be a deficit from your BMR. Try not to go over that amount. And, when you exercise, log that activity, because those are "bonus" calories for you to consume should you need to.

    You can do it!
  • Hi Pam, I joined a week ago and everyone here is wonderful and motivational. You have come to the right place!
  • blueshadow477
    blueshadow477 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Pam.
    This site is GREAT for us shy ladies. It's easy to navigate and use. You can just use the system or read all the great advice without having to announce yourself. It's been a very useful & rewarding site for me.
    Best of luck to you, Amy
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    Hey Pam!
    When I started in 2002 to lose weight, I was at 200lbs and needed to lose a bunch! I did lose 50lbs in that year(2002-2003)..And kept it off...but last year, 2010, I looked at myself and knew I needed to lose a bit more...I've lost another 30lbs and with a total of 80lbs off of me, I am NOT going back!

    Take it off slow..thats what I did. No more than 2lbs a week. There were weeks I lost only 1/2 lb, some I lost none and plateaued..but I kept on because I was doing it for ME!! My health wasn't the best and I knew I wanted to be healthier and more fit.

    I exercised like crazy> Tae Bo, Leslie Sansone's walking dvd's when I couldn't get outside to walking, when I could be outside walking I was walking 45mins-1hour, 5 times a I did Curves for a year, plus I did WW points(the old one, I hear the new one is not so good)....This was for my first 50lbs of loss.

    This next 30lbs I lost, I was doing Zumba, strength/weight training and walking plus a diet from a trainer friend of mine..

    I didn't know about this site until about 8 weeks ago and joined it...I love how I can keep track of my calories eaten and burned...and the support from everyone is GREAT!!!

    But ultimately,It's all in what YOU really want....and then you just DO IT!!!
  • Hi, everyone here is really supportive and friendly. I've been here only 2 weeks myself but not new to calorie counting.nIt does work be honest about what u eat, log everything and stay under calorie allowance.

    Feel free to add me to your friends list for support and encouragement.
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    You've come to the right place, as all of MFP will welcome you with open arms!!
    Welcome aboard!! We're glad to have you with us!
  • QueenHanifa
    QueenHanifa Posts: 180 Member
    I'm Pam and new to this site and a little intimidated. Have tried sooooo many times to lose weight and failed each time. Have about 60 to lose now. Feeling very overwhelmed :). Any advice is greatly appreciated.
    Follow the suggestions on the honest with the parameters you start with. The site will calculate what your BMR is. If you want to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week, the site will give a suggestion as to what your caloric intake SHOULD be, which will be a deficit from your BMR. Try not to go over that amount. And, when you exercise, log that activity, because those are "bonus" calories for you to consume should you need to.

    You can do it!

    This is great advice...wecome and enjoy your journey Pam!
  • fitwatch
    fitwatch Posts: 61
    One day at a time.
  • bigyax
    bigyax Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Pam,

    I've only joined recently myself and I have 70lbs to lose. I know how intimidating it can seem. It's hard for sure but the support here looks incredible and the tools are excellent. Feel free to add me if you want another diet pal. Best of luck with your goal!
  • mampm1
    mampm1 Posts: 88
    Hi Pam. I think you will find this site addictive...and for all of the right reasons. My advice to you is to find that motivation. It's different for everyone. Mine was the death of my best friend to a heart attack and he was the same age as me. That was my wake-up call, although I had been doing things sporadically with regard to diet and exercise. I just posted a topic on my blog about breaking through might be helpful. In the meantime if you need help and inspiration, the people on this site are here, ready and willing to offer you words of encouragement and inspiration. Feel free to add me as a friend and all the best of luck to you. I know in my heart of hearts you will be successful!
  • Janet717
    Janet717 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm new too...looking to learn all the benefits of this program. :smile: :smile: