10 lbs in 14 days??

I want to get everyone's opinion on the topic. I am 6'1" 218lbs right now and I really want to get below 210 before Sept 10th. I am doing a obstacle race and feel that I would compete much better at that weight.

Is that really unhealthy? Is there a healthy way to do it?? I know you're "suppose" to lost 1 pound a week but I don't have patience.


  • christinehay78
    christinehay78 Posts: 82 Member
    I really don't think 10lbs in 14 days is healthy or realistic. I would think 2lbs a week would be the most you should work for.
    Losing weight takes time & patience! Goodluck with your weightloss journey & obstacle race :smile:
  • Right before a race is not a good time to lose weight. Instead of building a reserve of energy that your body will need to draw on, in order to have optimal performance, you will be starving your body of basic nutrients. This will be counterproductive and will only harm your results. Aim at eating well and having a healthy balance of carbs and protein and plenty of water because your body will need these for the race. Eating this way before the race may actually inch the scale up but do not panic, your body holds 3 grams of water for every gram of carbs you eat so it will be water weight and will not be a bad thing. At this point it is too late to worry about losing weight. Eat healthy foods that will fuel your body and you will do just fine. You can lose weight for the next race. Good luck and have fun.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    you will lose muscle, not fat. absolutely guarantee, there is no way you lose fat.

    you will have little energy - which will backfire you in your competition.

    those are the two things that really matter at the beginning. I could go on about failure rates and plateaus for losing too quickly, but that's not what matters right now because you will probably go back to losing a safe amount afterwards.
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    It's unlikely, although if you have just started you may lose a lot of water weight, but there's no point losing the weight but not having the energy to compete, which is where you would be if you tried to cut back that many calories.

    Good luck.
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    This is ambitious but doable if your are just starting out. There are always bigger losses at the beginning so it would be an okay short-term goal. Also, two pounds per week is still considered healthy weight loss so you are not too far below that. You may want to consider not losing so much before your competition because with weight loss comes muscle loss too. It's just part of the biological process of losing weight. Good luck.
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    SORRY! NO WAY DUDE! Not healthy...
  • Hey do what you want and find out. Everyone has an opinion. It is your body. What you learn this time you can apply next time since it isn't likely that you will die from your zealous efforts in 14 days.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Eeeek. I don't know. Healthy suggestion do The 17 Day Diet cycle one. You'll lose weight fast. Maybe not 10 but close too. Unhealthy solution water weight lost. I had to do this when rowing. Eat all whole foods, and I'd have to runt he track with garbage bags on and sleep in them to drop the water weight a few days ahead of time. Mind you I don't think it is the most unhealthy but it is also not healthy. Soo do with it as you please. Make sure you eat though. You don''t wanna lose muscle mass and and be weak and fatigued.
  • steelguy54
    steelguy54 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks for the feedback everyone!! I will just eat healthy and lose the weight slowly. I'd rather be a little heavier and be able to perform better than vice-versa.