New to the site, not to weight loss

Hi, my name is Avneet and I would like some encouragement. I start an excercise regimen and then sabotage myself by stop counting calories or stop working out, or both. What are somethings you use to keep yourself motivated?


  • Use this site religiously and you will lose weight. Only do a simple daily walk to lose weight at first. ALWAYS record EVERY BITE. Get some MFP friends. They are truly priceless.
  • Hi There, I've counted cals also in the past and lost 48lbs, but 2yrs at uni and full time work saw thw weight creep back on. New to this site been using it for only 2weeks. If you want encourgement and support, feel free to add me.
  • debclif
    debclif Posts: 74 Member
    This is a great site. I do the same as you do. I will do it for a month then stop and get annoyed that I "have to" do it. That is exercise and log in my food. So, enough is enough and I swear this time I am sticking to it. Hope to see you around!
  • naveej
    naveej Posts: 73 Member
    hi Avneet
    welcome to the site.let me tell u this is so far theeee ee best site (i can't stress enough)or tool i have come across to lose weight.
    i works just stick to it ,even on your down days be honest to your food diary At the end of the day when mfp tells u this is ......... u weigh in 5 weeks keeps me kick'n. there is a lot of support and inspiration here among such a supportive community

    good luck