Looking for female friends for wkly check in!!

Hi! I’m new here and am looking for some female friends to create a group for a weekly check in. I think it will help keep me more accountable. I’m 34, 5’4” and am currently 182lbs and looking to get down to 150-160. I eat pretty healthy but have an especially hard time on the weekends and have a hard time with self control when it comes to carbs and sweets. Thanks!


  • Beachbod2020
    Beachbod2020 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi I'm 34, 5'3 and 175Ib so similar stats! I'll be interested In having a lil group where we can share weekly weigh-ins and support along the way. I've been losing 6Ib and putting them back on again like a yoyo for so long! Overall I'm pretty healthy but have uncontrollable urges sometimes which is my hindrance. I also enjoy a drink with my other half at the weekends which doesn't help, liquid calories are so fun but so evil!
  • kaflavin2016
    kaflavin2016 Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome! Do you know how to create a group?
  • kaflavin2016
    kaflavin2016 Posts: 3 Member
    Good for you!! I’d love to help each other stay accountable. Do you know how to create a group?
  • quartzkhrysopos
    quartzkhrysopos Posts: 6 Member
    edited August 2019
    Heck yeah sign me upp! I'm Emily, I'm 63kg and trying to healthily lose weight that I gained in a long term hospital stay. Hosp food makes you gain tons. I usually eat fairly healthily, but sometimes my vegan brain gets a bit restrictive. I'm aiming for a bit more stability and would live to be in a group!
  • Murraymint28
    Murraymint28 Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to be part of this group. I have started again this week and really need help to stick at it. I’m 35, I’m currently 140lbs and 5’2. Aiming to lose 1 stone or there abouts in 6 weeks then another stone in the few months after that.
  • wowfitness67
    wowfitness67 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I am Sharron and I d like to be a part of this group. I have had a few stressful events in my life. Presently I am dealing with 2 college age children and their drama and living with someone who has chronic health issues who does not see the importance of exercise or eating healthy. So whenever I try to stick to a exercise regime or eat healthy he is not very supportive. However he is a good husband and father.

    I am currently using an Aptive app which is a running app. That seems to help. I would like to have a check in group.

  • kmcintee19
    kmcintee19 Posts: 3 Member
    I'd love to be part of the group. Just joined a gym today for the 4th time in the last 10 years, hoping it will stick this time - need some motivation. I'm 5'3" and up to 315 lbs.
  • gemmahes
    gemmahes Posts: 15 Member
    Hi im 32 10st 4lb in trying to lose my baby weight wpuld loves to be added to some groups thanks
  • twlightnow
    twlightnow Posts: 1 Member
    Sure would love to be apart of this group as well. Being in your 50s and trying to looses is so hard. 230 trying to get to at least 175.
  • tivw57
    tivw57 Posts: 7 Member
    can I join the group. Just satrted today and group motivation is important.
    i am 62, 146 lbs, need to shave at least 20 lbs.
  • myarli
    myarli Posts: 2 Member
    Add me in. I am 40 and trying to lose those last 10 pounds.
  • myarli
    myarli Posts: 2 Member
    Good for you!! I’d love to help each other stay accountable. Do you know how to create a group?

    Yes. Go to the icon that looks like message on top left corner of community page. There u find group option
  • RobotMil
    RobotMil Posts: 12 Member
    I’m in! Very similar stats as well - in my 30s, 5’6” and wanting to go from 190 ish to 160 ish... having some accountability definitely helps me!
  • samiamazonwoma
    samiamazonwoma Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like that! I'm 38, getting ready to get married soon, I've got about 58 more pounds to lose and I've been definitely cracking the whip where I can.. Which is not easy because I have back and leg issues.
  • QuitaBae
    QuitaBae Posts: 2 Member
    Hello I would like to join the group as well. I’m 29, 5’4 and 266lbs. I have been trying to eat better for about a week now and so far it’s been ok but would love to have someone or a group of others that are doing the same. Thanks
  • fths
    fths Posts: 1 Member
    Love to be be apart of this group
    50 I’m 215 already lost 18lbs, could do with the encouragement also.
  • michhami
    michhami Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I have been off and on MFP for many years, finally buckling down and trying to really commit to logging everything and seriously get back into consistent exercise and portion control (my diet is fairly "healthy" but I snack quite a bit and eat large portions. looking for more "friends" for accountability and motivation! I am about 215 lbs, 5'3". Weight has fluctuates quite a bit over the past 20 yrs. Have lost over 60 lbs at one point to then gain 80lbs 7 years later. High of ~232 lbs low of 136 lbs.
  • msalinas57
    msalinas57 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I’m Margaret I would love to join the group! I jst turned 30 this month and I’m determined to start eating healthy n lose weight. I’m 335lbs trying to go to 175 or 200lbs. I’m 5’5. It’s been a struggle to start a family and I’ve been getting depressed over it. I know with this weekly check up each of us with have something to look for! Thank you!
  • renavail
    renavail Posts: 7 Member
    I would love also to be added to!