Football Sunday snacks!

Hello fellow Fitness Pals 👋 Football Sunday is upon us! What are some of your go to snacks?! I usually do a nacho bar and veggie tray. Seeing if you all have some fun snack party food whether it's healthy or not 😋


  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
  • nikkibrianne64
    nikkibrianne64 Posts: 89 Member
    Beer is good and stuff.. Thanks!!
  • coffeexxeyes
    coffeexxeyes Posts: 35 Member
    Crackers with meats and cheeses is on the healthier side. Wine optional 😋
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,717 Member
    A variety of dips.
    Some high fat ones for people not watching their intake such sour cream based onion dip, guacamole, and alioli. Some veggie based ones for people who are such as salsa, hummous, tzaziki and this carrot based one.
    For people not watching calories provide corn chips, and crudites and ryvita for people who are.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I try to avoid traditional dips and small snacky eats because I think it's too easy for me--and others--to underestimate portions and unintentionally overeat.

    I prefer to lay out a sandwich or taco bar --which may include many of the same things (black bean dip, lots of veggies, hummus, avocado, thin deli meats, etc.) but looks and feels more like a meal when it's on a full-sized tortilla or piece of bread, and therefore I'm less likely to keep going back for "just a bit more."
  • cbstewart88
    cbstewart88 Posts: 453 Member
    I'm just trying to wrap my head around the fact that football will soon be starting up again. It seems as if I just watched the Super Bowl!! Where'd the heck did the summer go????