Beginning..again! 200lbs+ to lose

Hi all.

Well I'm back at it again, have a lot to lose but this time trying to be more public about what I'm doing and what I'm losing so I am more accountable. Been back at it for about a month already and so far its gone well, but, I find its always consistency with me. I have a PT and am trying to track everything on here but I'm looking for support and motivation, its going to be a long road, all the help is appreciated!



  • daisydivine
    daisydivine Posts: 2 Member
    just started again also after a break of two months, i'm stuck at 96kgs from 120kgs at my heaviest, aiming for 1kg a week till i hit 80kgs, thats sixteen weeks to go. i find it easier to celebrate smaller milestones instead of focusing on how much i need to lose.
    hang in there, we'll travel this road together.
  • ScrambledPawn
    ScrambledPawn Posts: 59 Member
    I was in a similar position in February 2018 with a starting weight of 458lbs, currently at 282.4 with a good 100 left to lose so I definitely sympathise with the whole accountability and consistency issues.

    My best advice is definitely to focus more on smaller targets, not only on the scale but in terms of general fitness; non-scale victories within reason are what keep you sane when losing a lot of weight, whether it's walking your first mile or just being able to follow your diet plan for a week. I think a lot of the mistakes we tend to make is that we get so hung up on the number on our scales rather than the other progress we make every single day, so the second we start ticking boxes for the small stuff the motivation follows more naturally and you'll instinctively learn that the occasional week without seeing the number drop isn't as debilitating as it feels at the time.

    Keep at it, you got this!
  • Tirabrown1
    Tirabrown1 Posts: 1 Member
    I’ve never ever been on s group/public app like this, I to have a lot to lose and working with a PT. My biggest issue is not being able to control sweet/ chocolate overeating, sneaky eating etc.... I’m ruining everything for myself before I even get going, any help? I’m excited to work with others in being successful.
  • FlynLass27
    FlynLass27 Posts: 5 Member
    Tirabrown1 wrote: »
    I’ve never ever been on s group/public app like this, I to have a lot to lose and working with a PT. My biggest issue is not being able to control sweet/ chocolate overeating, sneaky eating etc.... I’m ruining everything for myself before I even get going, any help? I’m excited to work with others in being successful.

    Have you considered the keto diet? It's very low carb, high fat and moderate protein and eating the high fat and low carbs reduces your hunger. I was a chocoholic and a "3 meals a day" gal for my whole life (and I'm 67 now!), but after starting keto, I found that the cravings for sweets went away as did the hunger pains. And if you need a snack, you can eat cheese, beef sticks, eggs, etc. Worth checking into at the least! Good luck on your journey! I've lost 74 lbs in 13 months!
  • MaryHWalker
    MaryHWalker Posts: 3 Member
    Hello. I am back at it again. I want to lose at least 75 pounds. I am a member of TOPS in Pearland, TX, but still floundering. That meeting is just once a week. I need this group for sure. I do not seem to stay consistent as I am pulled in many directions but that is no excuse! I am happy to be back, and wish you all blessings in your weight loss journey. I, too, am excited to join others to work and be successful for more healthy lifestyles. My heart will really appreciate this. Maybe I can get off of some medicines. Blessings!
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    Tirabrown1 wrote: »
    I’ve never ever been on s group/public app like this, I to have a lot to lose and working with a PT. My biggest issue is not being able to control sweet/ chocolate overeating, sneaky eating etc.... I’m ruining everything for myself before I even get going, any help? I’m excited to work with others in being successful.

    It might help to allow for a sweet treat every evening in your calorie allowance? Having something to look forward to, that you know is already accounted for, might help you to avoid sneaking extra treats earlier in the day.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Welcome to the community! <3

    If you haven't already, read the stickies at the top of the getting started forum. Very informative and helpful.

    Good luck with your journey!
  • eewoo47
    eewoo47 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,

    Thanks for all the messages and advice l, will be adding friends once I figure out how to do so on phone!

    For me what’s helping with a level of consistency (though not perfect) is meal prep on the weekend. I’ve fallen in love with my Instant Pot, I can make 2 / 3 sets of meals in an hour. Makes life so much easier, I can get home at 1930/2000 throw a healthy nutritious meal into the microwave and in 5 minutes (plus 3 mins for veg : cauliflower rice) and it’s done. Also because I use different containers for each meal it controls my portion size. I am also finding changing the way I think about the food I’m buying helps. If I’m making everything (lunches etc) at home then why shouldn’t I spend a little extra on fresh strawberries, Pink Lady apples and a good piece of beef steak!
