Sugar/Fat/Carbs We've been misled?



  • bonitasprings
    bonitasprings Posts: 10 Member
    I watched the whole movie yesterday. There was a lot of very interesting info on carb consumption as the base of the food pyramid and how that came about, vegetable oils as unnatural to the body, the fear of animal fat, and more. It's not just about insulin resistance although that was the easiest part to understand. My father died of heart disease and suffered terribly despite cutting way back on animal fat and cholesterol. I have to watch it again and study further. I think the first half is not so great. I'm more interested in the science that gets explained in the second half.

    I cook with coconut oil and use butter on veggies. I eat eggs. I eat meat regularly but in small quantities and lean cuts. My HDL and LDL are great. My dad ate margarine and vegetable oils, kept egg consumption and meat to a minimum and his cholesterol levels were awful. He ate plenty of carbs and felt safe doing so. I'm seriously paying attention to my carb and sugar intake now. I'm losing weight too.

    We don't have to love the movie or hate it. It's interesting food for thought.
  • bonitasprings
    bonitasprings Posts: 10 Member
    One correction: My dad's cholesterol levels were normal because he took statins. But it didn't matter but heart disease is not caused by cholesterol.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    One correction: My dad's cholesterol levels were normal because he took statins. But it didn't matter but heart disease is not caused by cholesterol.

    Your right and saturated fat consumption is not to blame for high cholesterol or heart disease either.

    Carb intake is directly correlated to heart disease due to the inflammation that it causes in the body.

    The oxidation that occurs in the body creating inflammation from carb intake and vegetable oils such as corn and canola oils - the main proponents of margarine.