What do you do when you screw up for a day?

I mean really screw up, like make an awesome pecan pie for a special occasion and go 1000 calories over your daily goal. Do you exercise like crazy the next day? I'm afraid that if I eat less today to make a calorie deficit, it will just backfire (I used to be a notorious yo-yo dieter) and I will end up eating a ton of bad stuff tonight out of hunger or I won't have enough energy to do my long run tomorrow. Any tips? Should I let it go?


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I was 1200 calories over my daily goal on Friday. What did I do? Well, I logged it all, closed out the diary and started fresh yesterday. I'm not obsessing over it. I don't feel guilty over it. I am not berating myself over it. What's done is done. One day isn't going to undo all your hard work. Each day is a new day and you need to look at it like that - don't hold yesterday's decisions over today's head.

    Don't eat a deficit. Don't workout to the point where you aren't consuming any calories for today. Go back to your normal eating and workout routine.

    What's done is done. :)
  • xMissAprilx
    xMissAprilx Posts: 143 Member
    Mess ups happen. I just realize what I did and continue the next day as normal. Drink LOTS of water to lose whatever water weight I might have added and just try not to do it again. I'm not going to eat less than normal the next day, but I might exercise an extra 30mins to an hour just help boost my confidence in myself.
  • getyupcowgirl
    Awesome words of wisdom!
  • crazynay96
    every day is a new day. Don't harp on it. You screwed up yesterday? So you did. Today you learn from it and you keep it moving and you don't do it again! Good luck!
  • martina123321
    New day, fresh start...........that is all :)

    Good luck by the way.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I don't believe you can erase a mistake the day after (just me). The way I do thing is if I know I'm going to a friends house and may snack or to a function and will snack/have dessert, I'll exercise before hand to leave room for it mainly because I know I won't want to exercise when I get home.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,672 Member
    I mean really screw up, like make an awesome pecan pie for a special occasion and go 1000 calories over your daily goal. Do you exercise like crazy the next day? I'm afraid that if I eat less today to make a calorie deficit, it will just backfire (I used to be a notorious yo-yo dieter) and I will end up eating a ton of bad stuff tonight out of hunger or I won't have enough energy to do my long run tomorrow. Any tips? Should I let it go?
    I don't worry about it. I'm happy and just workout a little harder the next day.
  • Stuartm1
    Stuartm1 Posts: 101 Member
    One day isn't a disaster it's not a race to lose weight it's a lifestyle change Remember MFP sets you at a level to lose weight so it just means you don't hit the target that day. If you know you are going to eat lots try to do some extra excercise during that day to give you additional net calories.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I look at every day as a different day. I don't start making deals with myself to eat less today to eat more tomorrow.
    I don't have cheat days. If I know I'm going ti eat more, or if I mess up. I just deal with it, as a part of life.
    Try learn from it and move on to tomorrow.
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    If I mess up really bad, I put it behind me and move on, knowing that slip ups happen. One day isn't going to be the end of the world as long as you get back to the grind the next day and don't make a habit of it.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    each day is its own
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    Just start again the next day. I'm not planning on spending the rest of my life never indulging a bit. Just get back on track the next day and go from there.
  • randylevy
    randylevy Posts: 67 Member
    Drink extra water and get back on track. You'll be fine. Even if you don't lose a pound this week, congratulate yourself for getting back on track.
  • Stuartm1
    Stuartm1 Posts: 101 Member
    I don't believe you can erase a mistake the day after (just me). The way I do thing is if I know I'm going to a friends house and may snack or to a function and will snack/have dessert, I'll exercise before hand to leave room for it mainly because I know I won't want to exercise when I get home.

    Good Answer
  • phlumpet
    phlumpet Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks all! I can tell by your weight loss tickers you are all doing great so I will trust your words of wisdom!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Mmmm I love Pecan Pie :tongue: Haven't had any in ages, mind.

    Honestly, you went over budget... no big deal. :smokin: Seriously, don't beat yourself up about it and certainly don't starve yourself out of guilt. :noway:

    Now if you were eating pecan pie everyday.... well then I'd be giving you the waggy finger and telling you to buck up you ideas :angry:

    It'll all balance out by the end of the week and even if it doesn't, there's always the week after. There is no quick fix to losing weight and there will always be ups and downs... that's only natural.
  • melissabee31
    Studies show that people who think negative thoughts or thoughts of guilt about what they eat can actually secrete hormones that hold on to fat instead of lose it. The more you think "I shouldn't be eating this" in your head, the more your put your body at physical risk to backfire. Yes, mistakes happen. If it happens more than once a week, though, and you are constantly giving in to sweets, you are probably not eating enough calories.

    I'm an avid SELF reader and believe in their diet advice. I took a "quiz" in a recent magazine and it asked, "Are you always hungry?" Why, yes. "Are you on a diet?" Yes, I am. "Then you're probably heading for the sweets due to deprivation of calories in general." Sure, eating more calories doesn't make a sweet tooth disappear. But if you are trying to avoid sweets and find that you can't, eating an extra snack earlier in the day (like carrots or string cheese) can fend off later cravings for the candy bars.
  • Gemini_at_36
    :flowerforyou: The day you screw up eventually ends, (they all do). You start from a fresh day all over again. You try to think why you ate what you ate and if there is a way to next time do something different. I read your board but already forgot the details. Next time when you make a pecan pie, look up "eating well" and see if they have a recipe for a pecan pie that is healthier. I love lasagne, cheese and cooked one yesterday from eating well. No it doesn't taste as sinful as an original fatty lasagna but NOW I can wear danskos because my feet don't swell and my 3X sizes are getting very baggy. I can learn to eat different tastes. Just remember, tomorrow is another day and when you wake up in the morning tell yourself, I'm staring over.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Just get back on the horse and DON'T give up!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    IF I know ahead of time, I exercise and bank the extra calories (a Weight Watcher strategy), and if I did not plan ahead, I exercise more over the next few days to burn off the extra. I agree with not obsessing about it. We all need to feast, except that we can't feast all the time, or too frequently.

    Not that I am against a fast. Fasting is good for you spiritually, if you do it with spiritual intention, and reasonably no more than once a week.

    The other thing is finding out how much of that pecan pie you can eat, and adjusting accordingly. It might mean a sliver, or 2 TBsp worth, but sometimes that is enough of something delicious. You can really enjoy each tiny morsel to the max and make it last as long as a full piece.