I'm New

Hi All,

I'm Tony. I'm 5'9. In 2004, I made it up to 235 pounds and hated it. I started doing Atkins and made it down to 169 pounds in less than a year. I worked out every day and felt great. It was the first time in my life I wasn't overweight.

I kept that weight off until 2008, when I started my old habits and quit going to the gym.

Now my health is worse than ever. I made it to the heaviest I've ever been, 250 pounds on August 21st. I went back on Atkins on August 22nd, and I'm already down to about 239 now, and I hope this is the last time I'll do this to myself. I know what to do... and even know how to keep it off - I simply got depressed and distracted by life last time I blew it.


Does anyone know what type of "aerobics for fat lazy people who haven't been off the couch in 3 years" are out there?




  • acdnk13
    acdnk13 Posts: 3
    I don't know about aerobics, but when I was 240 and could not move well I did pilates for wieght loss at home on DVD. It was simple and I still work up a sweat when I do it 65 pounds later!
  • babycakest_03
    babycakest_03 Posts: 3 Member
    Walking is a great way to exercise itself and not hard on your joints.
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    You should try C25K. I know running probably sounds scary right now but I went from never having jogged since school 30+ years ago, to having reached 25 minutes so far. It all happens in very easy stages and is really good at getting you sweating. Lol! :bigsmile:
  • gtsmall
    gtsmall Posts: 2
    Hey Tony,
    Read your post and I know how you feel. I turned 50 last September and weighed 279lbs and that was the heaviest I had ever been. My friend turned me on to Team Beachbody. Team Beachbody are the creators of P90X, Power 90, Hip Hop Abs, Turbo Fire, and Insanity which are their most popular home based workout programs.

    I use the "Ten Minute Trainer" by Tony Horton. I know there is not enough hours in the day to drive to the gym and workout. The ten minute trainer provides the essentials of exercise muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance.

    After doing the program for seven months I lost 45lbs!
  • I would say, brisk walking. It is a great way to get back into exercising. That is what I am doing. I get on the treadmill everyday for 30-40 minutes. I put on my music and enjoy the walk. I will work up to running again. At least that is my goal. I used to run 3 or 4 miles. I also have some hand weights and do a little with them. As a change, I use my WII. That's fun and I can do all sorts of different exercises.
    My struggle is that I have Fibromyalgia and exercising puts me in pain but I am tuffing it out!
    I wish you the very best of luck and congrats for deciding to make the change!
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    Hi Tony,

    I'm a big proponent of Couch to 5K (I went for the NHS version: http://www.nhs.uk/LiveWell/c25k) -- it starts you off walking, and slowly builds you up to running. You can ease into it, and don't necessarily have to follow the schedule they set. I had to repeat a couple weeks until I could complete them. But the truly amazing thing is that now I'm running. I couldn't run for even 60 seconds at a stretch when I started. So you can do it, for sure!

    Also, be sure to include weight training of some sort, to build muscle mass. The more muscle mass you have, the more energy your body uses just for everyday living.

    Best wishes, and feel free to add me if you want a fellow 40-something guy to compare notes with as we move FORWARD! :)

  • JackThunder
    JackThunder Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everybody - Be seeing ya around!
