"Cheat" days....

countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
WHat does a cheat day consist of for you? Do you cheat but dont go over your calories? Do some of you not watch your calories that day? Just curious how some of you do your cheat days.

I usually try to stay at mu calories for the day. Have a shake or something ive been craving, or eat it for my workout calories.


  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I haven't done one yet because I'm afraid
  • I never have 'cheat days', those calories are not worth it to me.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    It depends. Yesterday I had fried chicken wings for dinner, and recorded it. I was over in sodium and protein but not calories. Actually, I was WAY over in sodium haha. But I just have the one cheat meal when I feel like it, and then I'm okay for a while. If something is ghastly on cals or something, chances are I won't even want it again, like McD's!
  • 8rules
    8rules Posts: 169
    Is it really a cheat if you plan to go over your calories or break your diet on a certain day for a certain reason?

    I have used a weekly cheat meal for 3 years specifically because I would not stick to any diet if I could not indulge now and then.

    This week was my birthday and I used my cheat day for that. If i get invited to a wedding, I set aside my cheat day for that.

    It is not the weekly cheat that ends the weight loss, but what we regularly do.

    I should also note that I usually like to follow cheat days, with dead lift day. Reps with 400 pounds tend to mitigate the effect of a cheat meal quite nicely :) I am sure pairing a cheat meal, with a long walk the next day could do likewise.
  • beatlemom
    beatlemom Posts: 250 Member
    I do a cheat meal about once every 2 weeks. I will count my calories for everything else, but not that one meal. I do find however, that the cheat days a fewer and farther between. And even when I do "cheat" I dont go overboard!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I do not do cheat days.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Well I suppose if i crave something I allow myself to have one meal with it and I don't worry about the calories. One meal a week where you don't count is perfectly fine and will keep you sane =] I'd say go for it, but only one meal one day.
  • 8rules
    8rules Posts: 169
    It depends. Yesterday I had fried chicken wings for dinner, and recorded it. I was over in sodium and protein but not calories. Actually, I was WAY over in sodium haha. But I just have the one cheat meal when I feel like it, and then I'm okay for a while. If something is ghastly on cals or something, chances are I won't even want it again, like McD's!

    I am sorry, I must ask.

    Is being over in protein bad?
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I have one cheat day a week. And I enjoy one meal I love. I do not count the calories I don't want to know or else I feel guilty. The rest of the day I eat healthy. However if I am having a dinner I will almost always get a desert with it. The only thing I pass up on cheat days when dieting is incredibly fattening/ high calorie foods. Like spare ribs 1200 cals my whole days worth lol. But how I love my spare ribs mmmm I miss them lol.
  • sdmcbride10
    sdmcbride10 Posts: 51 Member
    I go way overboard!!. For example, yesterday was a cheat day for me and I ate 5 doughnuts and had a chocolate milkshake from Krystals. Ieven had a glass of Bailey's. However, today I am proud to say I am back on track.
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    I have one once a week but only if the occasion calls for it. For example, a birthday meal, a night in (or out) with the girls or a baking session with my mum. I think it's great to have something to look forward to! I still count the cals which are always over, but I exercise more that day to bring them down some :) so I end up being 200-400 over.

    I never gain weight from one cheat day a week, however anymore then 1 and I do gain a pound.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I have a "cheat meal" maybe once every 2 weeks. I don't plan them. It will just be if I am going out with friends somewhere that I really love the food I will let myself eat what I want for one meal. Eating healthy is a lifestyle so these meals are all part of having a life :) Normally I log it but I don't worry if I am over calories that meal. But I do watch me calorie summary for the week and try and keep under on that :)
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I have 1 day a week where I don't log. We usually eat out for 1 meal and I try to stick to my norm the rest of the day.

  • I am sorry, I must ask.

    Is being over in protein bad?

    Lean protein - yes, you can go over.
  • gmom81158
    gmom81158 Posts: 64 Member
    I used to eat whatever I was craving on weigh in day and not count it. Now if I eat something I crave I count it-funny when you see the numbers those things start to not look so good. Now I find healthy alternatives for the same foods. That is fun and rewarding. Hungry girl is one of my favorite websites and now tv show. I eat great food and still lose . God luck in your journey!
  • i dont do cheat days simply b/c i'm not cheating. this is about finding what works for you for life. i will eat things i enjoy. i still stay under, and if i'm not i work out extra. but it's not a cheat b/c if it's something i have to cheat to get, then it's something i'll be cheating on a lot. i find if i keep it a part of my diet but limit it, i dont need cheat days.

    and i log EVERYTHING. even if i go over.
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    I had a cheat day yeserday diffently lol. But I didn't plan it at all I had a little ice cream, pizza, and a snow cone but I was out with my family. Soo after I found out the cals I was guilty especially the pizza since it is worse then the snow cone was. But oh well it's life. I mean I don't think it will kill any one just to have one cheat day of one meal or some thing. It is not like yours doing this all day or every day. You got to loosen up some times.
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    I had a cheat day today and now I feel like a hippo! I usually look forward to them and thats my day to enjoy the crap, without the guilt however today I ate some spinach dip with the baked pita and 4 chicken wings and I feel like I went too far. I had two days prior where I didn't have much of an appetite ( and I must admit I liked not being hungry) and today I nearly licked the plate the chicken wings were on! In my opinion, ( and yes I need to take my own advice..) if you are going to " cheat" then eat what you have been truly craving, enjoy every morsel of it, then move on and get back on track. I don't log my cheat days because to me, that defeats the purpose of cheating. ( For me it does). I realized today that since I have been so diligent about logging my food and watching my cals that I didn't end up enjoying my free day like I have in the past!

    Do what works for you and enjoy the cheat. We all need that now and then:)
  • Fit4sure
    Fit4sure Posts: 63 Member
    I don't have "cheat days" either...but I do have somewhat of a "cheat meal" about once a week or two (or three or four). I'll on purpose PLAN to not track calories for that one (and only one...not an all day affair) meal but WILL write down what I ate. Usually, I end up eating like I always do and just "splurging" on a slice of cheesecake for that one meal rather than have a full blown blow out meal. I don't like the way I feel when I overindulge...really...it makes me feel bad physically now.

    Being that I "plan" on splurging...it's not really a "cheat meal"...it's part of the plan. This week, I ate something I normally wouldn't eat for lunch (had dessert of frozen yogurt and berries) as my splurge.

    If I had a whole day of splurge...I'd probably undo all the good things I did for my body that week. I can do a ton of damage in a day!

  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    i allow myself 2 cheat meals a month. sometimes i use them sometimes i dont. i usually save them for special occasions, like when i go out with my fiance or for birthdays or something like that. i eat healthy the rest of the day and usually use my cheat meal for dinner and dessert. i also try to exerise a bit more that day if i know i am going to be using a cheat meal. i always still log what i eat. and i usually feel guilty lol. but i think to maintain this as a lifestyle you need to allow urself to eat meals you enjoy even if they are full of calories every once in a while

  • I am sorry, I must ask.

    Is being over in protein bad?
    From all I've heard & read the more protein the better. Especially if you work out. Protein feeds muscle & muscle burns fat. My boss is an ex professional body builder & basically said "theres no such thing as going over on protein" he sees me munching in plain grilled chix with one hand & typing with the other, and tells me all the time that the way to do it. I DO see the difference when i lower my carbs, fat & sugar & max out on protein even if I am under calories.

    As for cheat days, I "cheat" on weigh day. I eat the way I should all day and for dinner I have the one thing I could literally eat every meal for the rest of my life. PASTA!!!! Its the one thing I miss most, besides a really good loaf of french bread & butter. You can keep the sweets, I very rarely eat them, I am a carb junkie. I see it as more of a reward for being good (mostly) all week. ANd Im not saying I'm rigid about what I eat all the time, I usually have a little of anything I want and except for switching to low fat creamer I dont do low fat or fat free anything..tastes nasty.
    But pasta, ahhh I NEED some pasta every once in while. Must be all the garlic rolliing around in my Italian blood LOL
  • Hfxgal
    Hfxgal Posts: 57
    I don't have a specific cheat day, but if I know that something is coming up that may 'sabotage' my day, I will try to plan accordingly. I don't beat myself up though for the occasional day...it happens. Life is short and sometimes you need to have a little fun!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I don't do cheat days, there is no need. It's not teaching habits when you cheat. I truly believe you have to work to lose weight, why try and knowingly make a stumbling block for you. If you have to cheat I wouldn't go over the calories what your body needs to burn daily + any exercise calories. I just am trying to create a new lifestyle for me, by creating habits. I'm glad I have, I ate fast food for the first time in 5.5 weeks and the food was horrid, the diet dew was even worse. Today is my off day but I made sure to go to the gym to make up for such a pitfall. I have no desire for the fastfood anymore when it used to be something I craved all the time. I know some people do well with cheat days, the problems is sometimes cheat days are also the catalyst to falling off the wagon.

    I used to use cheat days for my other times I tried to lose weight, I think part of it was I wasn't ready to fully embrace what was needed to lose the weight. I am ready for that now and that has made me realize no cheat days til I have my habits formed.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I don't do cheat days.. I do "I eat whatever the heck my body wants as long as it's with in reason".

    If my body wants a burger.. it gets it. Fries.. totally. Shakes.. yep. Do I eat like this every day? No. Do I tend to eat like this once or twice a week? Oh yea.

    Life happens.. and food is a part of life. You can't always eat healthy or cook your meals.. and sometimes, you just don't want the healthy option! As long as you realize that, and know how to effectively deal with it, you'll be fine.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I said earlier I don't have cheat days, but I do go out to dinner on occasion. With MFP I find it easy to make the right choices. I'll have a salad, with goat cheese or steak in it, or whatever I can find on the menu that I know is better for me. I'll get a burger without the roll and ask how many ounces it is. I find most restaurants and kitchens very accommodating. I have food allergies, so I have to be careful anyway, and I won't eat in a restaurant that can't allow for a little change up. Most chefs enjoy the challenge.

    I also will work out extra, or bank my calories from earlier in the day if I know I'm going out.
  • 8rules
    8rules Posts: 169

    I am sorry, I must ask.

    Is being over in protein bad?

    Lean protein - yes, you can go over.

    I know you can go over, I go over the MFP default suggested level pretty much every day.

    I am asking if its bad, and if so, why is going over on lean protein bad but being under calories classified as a negative outcome or even a cheat day?
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member

    I am sorry, I must ask.

    Is being over in protein bad?

    Lean protein - yes, you can go over.

    I know you can go over, I go over the MFP default suggested level pretty much every day.

    I am asking if its bad, and if so, why is going over on lean protein bad but being under calories classified as a negative outcome or even a cheat day?

    I always aim to go over in protein. Much better for your fat loss - as ChrisDavey posted the other day you should read:
  • SnuggieMeeko
    SnuggieMeeko Posts: 68 Member
    It depends for me. If I have a big event I will plan for that. But as a rule I try to go about 2 weeks with no cheat day. I might plan in "small" items I like. Like I had half a thing of ice tea the other day. I love ice tea! But as for sitting down and eating a bunch of pizza, chips, ect I try to stay away from that. I did have two pieces of chicken fried steak last night but didn't go over my calories. I think it is more about being smart with your choices. I've been working hard to do that. Plus adding in the amount of working out I do to help offset it as well.
  • ltlane
    ltlane Posts: 120
    i had a cheat day yesterday. omg totally over on everything. i did this purposely to kick my body in gear. i havent lost anything in nearly 2 weeks and i dont know whats going on. i lost 6lbs the first week and now nearly 14 days later nada. when i usually have so called cheat days i just have something like cookies, ice cream sandwich or something i know i shouldnt have, but i never go over.
  • I go over my calories. It's also typically the only say I drink alcohol. I do keep track of it still though. First, so I can make sure I stay under under my goal for the week. Second, because I find it keeps me from going too overboard. I recommend letting yourself go over, but try to set a higher goal. Example, maybe it's 2000 calories, instead of 1300. There is a lot of research that shows that doing this "cheat" day weekly actually helps you lose weight. It spikes your metabolism and keeps it from slowing to adjust to the low calorie intake the other 6 days. Plus, it helps me behave during the week to know if I get through the week, I can have whatever I am really craving.
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