Back on the wagon. Help.

So I started my journey at 230lbs a few years ago. I got down to 170. And I'm back up to 200. And I feel more like crap about myself than I did when I started. Something about knowing where you've been and what you're capable of and the disappointment of not staying on track. I have a million reasons for why I started to gain weight but none of it matters because at the end of it all, I'm eating. Food tastes good. I'm an emotional eater and I'm just eating. So I'm trying to pull it together. And then there are days like today where I had a good day...and then went to Wendy's budgeting just for a chicken sandwich and got a meal. Knowing damn well I shouldn't be eating any of it. It's now a "maintenance" day. I'm tired of feeling bad about myself. Usually I'm inspiring other ppl and now I just really need some inspiration. Help guys.


  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I know exactly what you mean about knowing where you were and what you're capable of. Been through that recently!

    Good luck this time round!!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Hey, you caught yourself after gaining back only half the weight you lost. That’s something, a lot of dieters regain all their weight and more. You know you can do this, you have done it once before.

    When I’m tempted to emotionally eat, I use two main tactics: finding self-care options which don’t involve food, such as herbal tea, music, or even doing my fingernails; and working to solve the problems which are causing the emotions. That’s not always possible, but if it is, it definitely helps to solve a couple of big life issues.

    Best of luck to you!
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,421 Member
    So I started my journey at 230lbs a few years ago. I got down to 170. And I'm back up to 200. And I feel more like crap about myself than I did when I started. Something about knowing where you've been and what you're capable of and the disappointment of not staying on track. I have a million reasons for why I started to gain weight but none of it matters because at the end of it all, I'm eating. Food tastes good. I'm an emotional eater and I'm just eating. So I'm trying to pull it together. And then there are days like today where I had a good day...and then went to Wendy's budgeting just for a chicken sandwich and got a meal. Knowing damn well I shouldn't be eating any of it. It's now a "maintenance" day. I'm tired of feeling bad about myself. Usually I'm inspiring other ppl and now I just really need some inspiration. Help guys.

    You have made a start that's a beginning.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Welcome back to the community! <3

    If you haven't already, read the stickies at the top of the getting started forum. Very informative and helpful.

    Good luck with your journey! You know what you need to do.
  • steveyaworski
    steveyaworski Posts: 8 Member
    You are back on top and I assume it is a transition getting back into a strong stride towards your goal. Be easy on yourself. I think its all a game of control. Your emotions are strong so we turn to food to feel like we have some control when losing the emotional fight. I have a terrible time fighting the same fight. But I found exercise empowers me and releases endorphins that give me the strength to say no to the food. But I only said yes to exercise when I finally discovered I was worth it! I deserve to be nice to me and give my body what it needs to win against stress and adversity. It is never 100% and the seasons and holidays have a major impact on that schedule. You got yourself!!!!!
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Ugh. I know the feeling. Take the steps to start again. Make one good decision. Then make another one. You need to get a little success under your belt. I was incredibly discouraged that I had gained back 10 pounds. A lousy 10 pounds, and I was just p*ssed. This was back at the beginning of June. I told myself that I'd just do my best and that my goal was to lose 5 pounds by September. Incredibly slow, I know, but it gave me lots of room for maintenance days, screw ups, a busy summer that took away some of my workouts... I weigh myself daily more to see how much I fluctuate on a day to day basis, and you know what? I'm almost at the 5 pounds. I'm giving myself until New Year's for the second 5. Yes, through the holidays, but I figure that as slow as I'm going, there's room for lots of fun, some splurging, but keeping my eye on the goal. You can do this. It's just hard getting going again. :heart:
  • finwood95
    finwood95 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I managed to lose 30lbs last year, and I've gained back half of that this year. It's so frustrating because I know what I should be doing, yet I'm doing the exact opposite. I know what works, but Im only doing it half-assed.
    Today I'm starting a workout program called Body Boss.. it's HIIT. I hope by getting into working out again that I will be better about my eating.
    It's tough to keep on track
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    So I started my journey at 230lbs a few years ago. I got down to 170. And I'm back up to 200. And I feel more like crap about myself than I did when I started. Something about knowing where you've been and what you're capable of and the disappointment of not staying on track. I have a million reasons for why I started to gain weight but none of it matters because at the end of it all, I'm eating. Food tastes good. I'm an emotional eater and I'm just eating. So I'm trying to pull it together. And then there are days like today where I had a good day...and then went to Wendy's budgeting just for a chicken sandwich and got a meal. Knowing damn well I shouldn't be eating any of it. It's now a "maintenance" day. I'm tired of feeling bad about myself. Usually I'm inspiring other ppl and now I just really need some inspiration. Help guys.

    I think it is easier for me to embrace my imperfection than war against it. Trying to be perfect is stressful and it never works out. I am also bad about rebelling against myself. I find it easier to stay within my calorie goal by actually telling myself I can go to maintenance whenever I feel the need. When I give myself that choice I almost always choose to eat less.

    Losing weight has nothing to do with a meal or a day. It happens over a long period of time and because you plan to stay in your maintenance calories today you can still lose weight for the week. That is a win. As long as you stay in a deficit most of the time you will keep moving towards your goal. Does it matter if it takes slightly longer because you weren't perfect the whole time? I don't think so. I lost a lot of weight my first year and I ate maintenance and sometimes higher quite a few times but almost 90 percent of the time I was losing and it was enough. Shooting for 100 percent always failed. 90 percent worked out pretty well.

    tl;dr You don't have to lose weight everyday you just have to lose weight most days.
  • TanyaAngelique
    TanyaAngelique Posts: 9 Member
    I can relate as well. Good luck 🙌🏽