Losing for a wedding (not mine~yet!)

I have a friends wedding late September and I’d really like to wear a nice dress and have fun and not be all body conscious like I usually am. I did recently get engaged but we are gonna have a 2 year engagement so no rush on sweating for the wedding 😂 but focusing on my health for the next 31 days is definitely a good step. Looking for motivation on here and accountability. Let’s do this! 💪🏼


  • TheRealSlim_Shelly
    TheRealSlim_Shelly Posts: 66 Member
    If I could make one suggestion... start now! If you’re going to shed it for your friends wedding, I say keep the healthy/fit lifestyle going right into your own! 2 years seems like a lifetime from now, but you will be venue and dress hunting before you know it! ... really, in only a year from now! Just from personal experience, with the stress of planning a wedding in the year to 8 months prior (and looking for a dress then), I really struggled with losing weight. I was actually so stressed I ended up putting on weight at the end (even tho I was dieting 🤦🏻‍♀️) and my face broke out the worst it’s ever been in my life 😱. I really do attribute it to high stress (we were also looking for a house at the same time). I was a pretty low maintenance/chill bride but somehow the stress still got to me. I totally get not feeling comfortable and body conscious at important events for friends/family... Like you, I finally had enough one day and eventually started living by “stay ready so you don’t have to get ready.” I know you can do this!!!
  • FinsUpBindy
    FinsUpBindy Posts: 39 Member
    edited August 2019
    I totally understand!! I’m just trying to focus on one thing at a time. I figure if I can set this 1 month goal it will help me stay on track for the long run. We also have an almost 2yr old and want to give him a sibling soon so I’d like to be healthier than I was during my last pregnancy. Lots of factors and exciting things to look forward to that should be motivation enough but sadly we all know how quickly these things (and the weight) creep up on you! 🙈