Soul Cysters 40 in 4

Bear with me ladies I am in a Doctorate program and also taking extra courses for another program, so I may not be able to reply right away. Please track your progress this week so you can compare. I will review messages sent to me and feel free to post on the board, encourage each other etc. Measure and weigh, sometimes you lose inches but don't see it on the scale yet especially the first 2 weeks.


  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    Don't forget weigh ins. I will try to post congrats etc from last week but electricity is out, so it may be a day or 2 before I get to the computer. Using my cell right now.
  • 88.2kgs today (194.4lbs), so I lost 900g's (1.98lbs) over the last week. Not bad. I had a good week, ate pretty well, walked the dog a few times (it rained most of the week) and I'm feeling good about things. I can't find my tape measure though, so not sure when I will get around do doing measurements.
  • sugarcrystal8
    sugarcrystal8 Posts: 38 Member
    Lost. .5 pounds this week and only got to 180 out of my 300 min of exercise. AF came with a vengeance and i couldn't do much. This week I will hit my goal of 300 min for sure. I will only take measurements every two weeks since that wont change as often as my weight. I did feel like my eating was good. Okay... on to week 2!!!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    stayed the same. fell off wagon.

    Gonna start 30DS shred again and turbo fire. Yeah. Good plan. I need to do this. Only allowed 1 day off a week.

    I'm mentally and physically exhausted atm, so if I can't tonight, I will tomorrow after a good night's sleep.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    How's everyone going? Last night was my last night of freedom with curry for dinner lol. September, you will be my *****.

    Saw my before and during pics of round1 JM 30DS last night. There was definitely a diff made. Am motivated to start again tonight!
  • sugarcrystal8
    sugarcrystal8 Posts: 38 Member
    Not doing too well this week. I think AF has me craving sweets and makes me tired. Haven't even worked out this week. May double up for 2 hours tomorrow. Still have Friday and Saturday though. I'm really shooting for another 10 pound drop by October 5.
  • I am not doing well. I am losing 1kg, then gaining it back! Sure, last week I didn't eat the best ... but it wasn't awful either! I'm getting really sick of it. I need to start going cold turkey on things and probably not drink any more.
    So over it.