Scared of maintainence

Hi all, have lost about 90 pounds this past year. I’ve never eaten e exercise calories. I can’t imagine getting on the scales and it not going down. That’s going to feel like a failure. I’m basically at my goal weight, although with my bmi at 22, there is room to healthily lose more. This past month I’ve lost 11 pounds. There’s lots of practical advice on here about maintaining. But I just wanted to know if anyone else was scared and just wanted to keep losing weight.


  • amckholmes
    amckholmes Posts: 119 Member
    I lost almost 50 lbs since January, am at my goal weight and am working on transitioning into maintenance. I am absolutely struggling with not seeing the scale go down, and this week it has actually gone up a bit. Even though my head knows that is normal and it is simply water weight, its got me scared to stay with maintenance calories. I have been reading this forum for about six weeks now, there are lots of awesome people here who have been maintaining for a long time who are super encouraging and very successful. Keep tracking your intake and output and have confidence in knowing the same “logic” that helped you lose will help you maintain. :)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited August 2019
    I don't understand how you can feel like a failure when you are now at a healthy goal weight, congrats, you have done it! :smile: .
    Celebrate that you can be within a range of say +/- 5lbs when you keep seeing the same numbers consistently, that's your new goal.
    If you have lost 11lbs in the last month and because you are a healthy weight it sounds like you are actually under eating - so you need to address that, its not healthy for your body to keep under eating. Now is the time to up your calories with the aim to staying at your current weight within a few pounds. And enjoy those extra calories! I know I do :smile:
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    In the time I've been here on MFP, I've only known about one person whose successful diet turned into an eating disorder, but it had enough of an impact on me that as a "just in case", I'm going to link a couple of articles for you to check out OP.
  • bigcraddock
    bigcraddock Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone. Some very good advice- I will decide a range that works for me. And slowly increase calories. I didn’t ever look at these boards when I was losing- but I think they’ll be massively useful now. Thanks again
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    Worst-case scenario: you gain some or all of the weight back. But you know now that you can lose it, and how! Won’t be fun or easy, but regaining weight is not the worst thing that can happen in life. I just reached maintenance (for the second time in 7 years) and to keep myself motivated to continue tracking, logging and not overeating this time I am focusing on recomp. The discipline of going to the gym regularly, adding weight progressively and making sure I eat enough protein while keeping to maintenance calories will keep me from going back to bad habits (that’s the plan, anyway).
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    whmscll wrote: »
    Worst-case scenario: you gain some or all of the weight back. But you know now that you can lose it, and how! Won’t be fun or easy, but regaining weight is not the worst thing that can happen in life. I just reached maintenance (for the second time in 7 years) and to keep myself motivated to continue tracking, logging and not overeating this time I am focusing on recomp. The discipline of going to the gym regularly, adding weight progressively and making sure I eat enough protein while keeping to maintenance calories will keep me from going back to bad habits (that’s the plan, anyway).

    I agree. I’m in the same boat. I find maintenance really hard. I lost 65 pounds from July 2015 to July 2016. My problem is mostly not knowing what my goal should be. In retrospect, I think I got caught up in the thrill of watching the numbers on the scale decrease. I maintained for over a year, but grew tired of meticulous logging. I think that contributed to my weight gain. I need accountability and now realize I need logging and frequent weighing to keep my weight under control because I love cooking and eating, maybe too much? I don’t want to be fat...I just want to eat!

    I gained back over half the weight lost over the last year or so, gradually, but steadily. I just couldn’t get under control I guess. No excuse.

    In May, back at it. Now I’m 1 pound to a more realistic goal weight, 15 pounds higher than my first goal

    Sunday we leave on a month holiday in Eastern Europe, where I’m going to enjoy the food and drink , but with a more conscious attitude. I know I’ll gain some since I’ve been carb restricting since May, but I feel more in control.

    Yes, I’m scared of maintenance too. Very much so.

    Thank you for starting this thread and thank you too all the posters who expressed their perspectives on this issue.

    We CAN do this!