ok i need help im confused so how is it that.......

msstillion79 Posts: 142
Ok i have been working on losing weight and getting healthier and i have lost twelve pounds which is great but my fiancee who hasnt been triing has lost inches in his waist and no pounds the only thing that he has done is that i get up early and make his breakfast and pack his lunch so he is eatting healthier and the right portions of everything What i want to know is how do u loose the inches along with the weight any ideas cause i see people on here that have lost 20 pounds and 3 or 4 dress sizes HOW HELP Im tired of being a size 24 biggest ive ever been ever i will do anything to show the best results I want to live longer for my family . :indifferent:


  • fstender
    fstender Posts: 165 Member
    Exercise! AS you continue to drop weight the inches will come off...Remember Men burn calories differently then woman..He may be just putting on more muscle...Keep going! With time and commitment you will see a "new looking you" soon!
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    HI, there,

    There is another post about this that I just read. I don't think it's realistic to lose a dress size for five pounds but everyone is different. I have lost 17 and I can see a difference in my clothes but can't say that I've lost any real sizes. I don't lose inches really unless I exercise a lot.

    But, everyone is different. We lost at different rates and such. If you keep with it you will eventually see the inches lost. Did you measure before you started so you could measuere again to see if you've lost any inches? I haven't measured at all because I really don't know how to, but I hear people on her posting about inches a lot. Maybe you arelosing it in your face or arms or place that you can't really see it affecting your dress size?

    Just don't give up and get discouraged. You (we!) have to keep going and keep working because it WILL pay off in the end.....even if it's slow going and we don't see it now.
  • i think weight just sits differently on people. depending on how much you need to lose, on some people 10pounds might be one dress size, but other would need to drop 25plus. Also since we are women, we tend to hang onto or weight longer so it is harder to get off. just be patient. losing weight is a slow process. Give it time if you really want your weight loss to stick(:
  • SWEETS1234
    SWEETS1234 Posts: 243 Member
    It's different for everybody. I have a girlfriend that has lost 20lbs and has not dropped a sized yet but it's coming for her. I can see it in her face. Keep going and it'll start to show. Also terrible as it is, guys body are completely different. My husband start walking in the evening and lost 20 lbs, they're bodies are just different. Slowly but surely we all get there day by day. Before you know it size 24 will be distance memory just keep at it. :wink:
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    Unfortunately men have different metabolisms from women, and different things will work in different ways for everyone (regardless of gender). I know lots of people that have had significant changes just from cutting out junk and fast food, and others (like myself) who need to exercise to drop anything. You need to figure out what works for you- try portioning out your meals as well, as that definitely does help. Start trying some exercise as well, when I first started working out walking daily was enough to make a difference. I then worked by way up to jogging and doing other stuff as well.

    Just try different things, see what exercises and foods you like eating... the main thing is consistency. You don't need to jog or aerobics or anything in particular if you hate it, but with all the variety out there just keep trying different things until you find something you like doing.

    Good luck :)

    *Edit* As a note, I've lost 25 lbs (35 if you include the waterweight that I lost before I started using MFP) and I haven't dropped any dress sizes, but EVERYONE I know has commented on my weight loss, and I can definitely see the difference as well. Just hasn't translated to a dress size yet... but I know I'll get there :)
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    I second exercise. But, you've lost 12 pounds. That is awesome! Keep doing what you're doing and the inches will come. Some people lose inches right away. I'm one of the ones who can lose a LOT on the scale before the tape measure budgets. But, I promise, it will happen!
  • Maid4richie
    Maid4richie Posts: 78 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from i have lost 13 pounds and dont see a difference at all but my hubby has gone down a pant size not even trying. When i did thus journey (right after my first kiddo) i love 80 lbs but i only went down from a size 18/20 to a 13/14 and i had a friend do it with me who lost 40 lbs and went from a size 14 to a 6 we are all so different just know in the end no matter what size you are you will rock it knowing you did it !!!
  • hang in there... its one pound at a time. and remember to track EVERYTHING. If you run out of calories, that means you have to go out and "earn" more. get out and walk, walk, walk. It doesn't have to be fast, just put in the time. The more time you put in, the more calories you will be burning. Also you wont be as hungry either. After I exercise I also think twice about what it is I am going to "spend" those hard earned calories on. :o) I've only lost 15 so far so I have the battle a head of me... many days to go.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Losing weight is about 80% diet and 20% exercise, plus men burn more thanks to more muscle mass, so the dietary changes your guy has been going through (thanks to you) are probably sufficient to drop some initial weight quickly. My husband can make only the slightest change in his diet and shed weight in a heartbeat.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I lost off my hips and bust first, then legs, then arms, then finally started losing tummy inches. Stick to it and you will see results. I was busting out of my 3x clothes so I had to shrink back into them and now I am working on shrinking out of them. The process has all been slower than I thought it would be, but also more satisfying.

    In the meantime...I really like yoga - it's great for helping your body feel good and stand taller - which will help you feel a little smaller too. and if you lift some weights you will feel your awesome muscles.

    If you are going to compare yourself to hubby you may wanna pack him some sabotage candy bars in that lunch:devil:
  • Its likely that with the healthier eating, he is losing water weight due to a reduced salt intake. The whole "losing fat but gaining muscle, so it evens out" idea is not entirely realistic.

    Put it this way. If you are a NATURAL bodybuilder (no steroids or other hormone treatments) with extremely exacting nutrition (lots of clean protein, low fat, etc) it is possible to both gain muscle and lose fat. As I, and many of you can attest to, it is possible to lose 2lbs of fat safely per week, if you really try. However, the fastest you will put on muscle, as a healthy adult, is about 5 pounds of muscle a year.

    Some people will call me out on this, but it is true. Some people who push the edge of the bell curve may put on 6-8 pounds of muscle in a year of heavy, heavy training, with precisely calibrated nutrition, but that's it. Anyone who claims to put on 10-20 or more pounds of muscle in a single year, or shorter is either:

    A) Selling snake oil
    B) Counting fat and water weight as muscle gain (bulking powders put on fat, creatine causes you to retain water)
    C) Still going through puberty related changes

    This last one is important to note, as some athletes can put on a lot of muscle in the last year or two of puberty. This is when men fill out their musculature to change from tall, gangly youths to solid, muscular men, if they have the proper level of activity during this time.

    Another possibility is this. As a man, his required daily caloric intake is likely higher than yours. That's just a fact of biology, and a much bemoaned one, I'm sure. Just making a small change from take-out to brown bagging it daily could be enough to have him drop weight, while you may have to be monitoring every little thing you eat just to drop a couple ounces a week.
  • First off I want to say congrats on your 12 pounds lost that is awesome. I also started at a size 24 and when I lost about 25 lbs is when I went down to a 22. I now have lost 35 and I dont feel anywhere close to the next cloths size. It is frustrating how men loose weight so quick my husband also has lost about 15lbs while "I" have been dieting he has not. But evidently just taking the fattening stuff out of the house has caused him to drop pounds, I first noticed his clothes getting loose and he tells me he didnt want to tell me he had lost because he was afraid it would make me mad.....lol!!!!! In due time you will drop those sizes just keep up what your doing it must be something right for you to have lost 12!!!! (Sorry I babble...lol)
  • slc88
    slc88 Posts: 1
    I've been doing Shakeology for breakfast and working out a little more and trying to watch what I eat. I've actually gained a couple of pounds in the past couple weeks but I've lost a total of 2.5 inches on my measurements. You HAVE to exercise. The volume or amount of space that muscle takes up is much smaller than that of fat. Muscle also burns more calories and makes your metabolism faster. I've been gaining more muscle than losing fat, which my coach tells me is perfectly fine at the beginning of my weight loss. But trust me, I've been struggling with weight loss for years, trying to find a way to lose weight without exercising and keep it off. It doesn't work. Exercise is essential. And you'll be amazed how good you feel after doing it a few times. The Shakeology helps because it gives me a lot more energy, to the point of being hyper sometimes. But hyper or not you HAVE to exercise. Weight loss is a triangle. You have to get the nutrients your body needs, you need to cut out the foods it doesn't need which get turned into fat, and you have to exercise to burn off the excess.
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    What's made the difference for me in terms of inches is walking. Just walking.

    First walk I took about seven months ago lasted maybe 20 minutes and I was TOTALLY whipped when I was done. My next walk (tomorrow or Tuesday) will be SIX MILES. :) I don't walk every day ... most weeks just two or three times. The key is, I've stuck with it, and I try to go just a little further than I did last time. I don't always get there but when I do ... well ... it's the best feeling in the world.

    Speaking just for myself, the only person I'm competing with, or comparing myself to, is me. Everyone's different. I tend to watch to see what my MFP compatriots eat and what they do for exercise, just for ideas. But I only measure against myself.

    I'm not gonna wish you luck here, because you don't need it. Luck, hoping, wishing ... it's all great, but the only thing that will get you where you want to be is DOING. Or NOT doing, as the case may be. Go for it! You are invincible. :)
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