New To Fitness Pal.. Need accountability partner!

Hi everyone,

I am new to this site and find it hard to log in and track everything all the time. I am a full time student and schedule is crazy. I also just messed up my knee so exercise is difficult but I need to get this ugly weight off. I am from the San Antonio, Texas area if anyone is interested in partnering with me.

Really need someone to help me step up my game without killing my knee!




  • emc1014
    emc1014 Posts: 9 Member
    Sure add me, I just moved from San Antonio to Houston.
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    I would more than happy to help you out! I'm a full time student and mother of 4 so know all about being busy. I'm currently in some challenges and my motivation is pretty good but I like getting motivation as well. Feel free to add me and we can help each other out! :)
  • teenyblnd2
    teenyblnd2 Posts: 11 Member
    Also a full time student in Houston--newlywed, and he's "cutting portions" to lose the if it's that simple for the ladies! I need one, too! add me if you still need a little encouragement!
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    I'm no where near you geographically, but that's the magic of the internet, eh? lol :)

    feel free to add me :) I could always use the help, and would love to help as well :)