Shin Splints (Barefoot running but could be unrelated)

tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
I just started running (spent about 5-6 weeks seriously walking then stepped it up by adding some periods of jogging and occasionally a sprint) and it varies by day but at some point I do end up with a shin splint on the right calf that is, although not excruciating for the most part, not something I want to run on, so I walk off the rest of my hour and call it a workout.

What I'm not sure about is if its something that I'm going to eventually toughen up/strengthen up against or not. Is this just because I'm new to the whole running thing? Or is it because I'm not wearing "proper" shoes -- or is it because its going to take me longer to strengthen up when I'm not using the crutch of corrective shoes?

I'm not 100% sure because I've never run in regular shoes (outside of some high school PE more than 10 years ago, when the heat of mid-day running + weak cardiovascular in general meant I was wheezing and gasping LONG before muscle strain became an issue) but I looked at the wear on my flipflops (that I wear around town for errands and work) and I wear the outside edge of the heel down before the inside edge (not a ton, but a bit) so I'm probably an under pronator.

I would prefer NOT to go out and get corrective shoes, I believe in barefoot walking and running (well ok Vibrams because OW, cracked asphalt) and have really loved the increased strength and well, I generally HATE wearing shoes and find them miserable.

But I would also like to keep running. And if I'm never gonna get there in the vibrams then....maybe I should reconsider.

Oh and I guess I should mention that I workout every day although not necessarily with any jogging. This week I'd say I did at least SOME jogging 4/7 days. But at least one of those days was maybe a minute and a half of jogging with a "oh my god that is NOT happening today" walk afterwards.


  • duqtape
    duqtape Posts: 121 Member
    Have you read Chi Running? I also run barefoot and use the Chi Running method with Five Fingers and haven't hurt in a long time. But shin splints can be a bad thing, but you haven't been running that long, so my initial non-medical opinion is weak muscles. Its a good read if you plan to run long term

    Go Diamonds!
  • duqtape
    duqtape Posts: 121 Member
    Oh, and they are not corrective shoes. They are foot casts made by Asics. ;o)
  • Hollie_downunder
    I feel your pain! Playing basketball a few years ago i suffered really bad shin splints!
    a combination of the sport (sudden stopping and starting) and not wearing proper shoes was to blame

    i started running earlier this year, did my first 5km charity run etc and never had a problem once

    solution... good shoes! worth every cent :)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Have you read Chi Running? I also run barefoot and use the Chi Running method with Five Fingers and haven't hurt in a long time. But shin splints can be a bad thing, but you haven't been running that long, so my initial non-medical opinion is weak muscles. Its a good read if you plan to run long term

    Go Diamonds!

    Hi there Diamond! Thanks for the recommendation - I've never heard of Chi Running and the website wasnt' very explanatory (or it was hard to navigate or something). What is it?
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    I run with VFF, but it's been a slow process of getting used to them.

    AFTrailRunner has a *great* post on shin splints.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I run with VFF, but it's been a slow process of getting used to them.

    AFTrailRunner has a *great* post on shin splints.

    Thanks, that post is for sure what I needed (what up my late night diamond ladies!!) -- I figured it might just be because I was new to the pounding - so I guess what I am doing is ok.

    What did you do, process wise? Any tips? I don't have to transition so I guess that helps
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    I was getting them really bad too and I didnt know what was going on. But I researched it and found there are some stretches you can do and it also helps strengthening them up as well..

    Here are the ones I do:

    I'm the opposite from you I wear the inside of my flip flops. I ended up buying new shoes and doing these stretches and I have not had any pain so far.

    Good luck!
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    I figured it might just be because I was new to the pounding - so I guess what I am doing is ok.
    What did you do, process wise? Any tips? I don't have to transition so I guess that helps

    I wore my vibram about 5 months before I started running in them, which helped a bit. Otherwise, I've cut my run times, and taken breaks when I legs hurt. Icing after a run also has helped and making sure I'm getting enough potassium and iron. Good Luck! and you can also alternate between the VFFs and your previous running shoes.

    It also helps to stick to softer surfaces in the beginning (dirt, sand).
  • duqtape
    duqtape Posts: 121 Member
    Have you read Chi Running? I also run barefoot and use the Chi Running method with Five Fingers and haven't hurt in a long time. But shin splints can be a bad thing, but you haven't been running that long, so my initial non-medical opinion is weak muscles. Its a good read if you plan to run long term

    Go Diamonds!

    Hi there Diamond! Thanks for the recommendation - I've never heard of Chi Running and the website wasnt' very explanatory (or it was hard to navigate or something). What is it?

    Chi Running is a method of form. The website sucks cause they want you to buy the book or attend a workshop. The book has been around a while so it should be cheap used on Amazon. He teaches you good form and how to run the right way to run for a lifetime injury free. I read it when it first came out and haven't had an injury. That could or could not be from his form, I'm still young-ish and ran through my 20's. But as I get older, I'm guessing good form has kept me injury free. A pilot on my crew read it last year and changed his whole form and feels much better.
