on the way to the healthier me im getting married in 5 months ....... so ive always loved food especially comming from a italian family) when i finished school i weight 96 kg and i felt so ugly i hit up the swimming pool every morning before work and eat better foods the weight came off and i felt so much better (73) kg about myself ! thats all the modivation i need ! my goal weight is 63 im 78 at the moment i was doing so well and got down to 73 but i fell of the wagon and havnt really got back on :( but im excited to get back in there and lose this last bit of weight...

the way i see it ive lost sooo much already im in the last streach home i CAN DO THIS !


  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    YES YOU CAN!!!

    Happy Summer and Happy Wedding

  • thanks soo much !
  • Lizi19
    Lizi19 Posts: 180 Member
    Congratulations on the upcoming wedding :) I am definitely with you on the 'no more fat summers' thing. It sucks to feel heavy during a time that require minimal clothing. Next summer will be better.
  • bratty72
    bratty72 Posts: 10 Member
    I am with you on the No more FAT SUMMERS thing.. I decided in January I would not be fat this summer and well... that didnt happen.. I am motivated and on my way now.. you can do this and we are all here to help you succeed! :) congrats on the Wedding.. I am a newlywed myself.. :)
  • yogabebe
    yogabebe Posts: 38
    You CAN do this! I, myself, don't want anymore fat summers. You are going to look amazing for your wedding! :) Feel free to add me!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I totally agree with your title (very clever)!

    I live in California, a block from the beach, and I didn't go swimming because I wanted to finish my diet first >_<


    Good luck and Congrats on your wedding! :D