Stop Smoking

Any tips to stop smoking? I’ve been smoking on and off for years now but this time I’m finding it a bit more difficult to stop. When I try to stop, I start eating way more than I usually would. I want to quit but I also don’t want to gain a lot more weight in the process as I’m still working on getting to my goal weight. I’ve lost about 35 pounds this year and I still have about 25 more to go.


  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    I quit overnight using an app created by Jason Vale. I tried loads of times before and failed miserably. For some reason, the app just made something click for me.

    My partner was able to quit cigarettes through vaping.
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    ekim2016 wrote: »
    Ok I quit cold turkey after 1.5 packs a day for 20 years. First of all, you have to be ready / and want to STOP. So what I did was buy bags of navel oranges. Every time I wanted a smoke I would begin peeling the large orange. Slowly and slowly I would peel and nibble on the tasty segments. I must have gone thru 5 bags of oranges that 1st week but it WORKED. I dunno if it was the sheer will power, keeping my hands busy or the flood of vitamin C but my cravings stopped after a few days. tip, the oranges taste better chilled in the frig... good luck! You CAN do this...

    Congrats on quitting. I heard somewhere (don't know if it's true) that Vit C can help flush nicotine out of your system, so that may have been part of it.
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    RAinWA wrote: »
    ekim2016 wrote: »
    Ok I quit cold turkey after 1.5 packs a day for 20 years. First of all, you have to be ready / and want to STOP. So what I did was buy bags of navel oranges. Every time I wanted a smoke I would begin peeling the large orange. Slowly and slowly I would peel and nibble on the tasty segments. I must have gone thru 5 bags of oranges that 1st week but it WORKED. I dunno if it was the sheer will power, keeping my hands busy or the flood of vitamin C but my cravings stopped after a few days. tip, the oranges taste better chilled in the frig... good luck! You CAN do this...

    Congrats on quitting. I heard somewhere (don't know if it's true) that Vit C can help flush nicotine out of your system, so that may have been part of it.

    Not quite. Nicotine makes it harder for the body to absorb vitamin C.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,685 Member
    A friend of mine who quit had the opposite strategy as me using a system of extreme restriction instead of frivolous treats. When he quit smoking he quit everying that's fun to put in your body: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, meat, salt, dairy. Every week, he would re-introduce one thing--except for the cigarettes.
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    edited August 2019
    Johnd2000 wrote: »
    Argue all you like. Smoking hardens the arteries, and lots more besides. Nicotine does not.

    The problem here is that people equate nicotine with smoking. Your Dr was referring to the known effects of smoking.

    You are badly misinformed.

    The tar and some of the other non-nicotine ingredients in cigarettes cause lung cancer. Nicotine itself does not cause lung cancer.

    Separate from that, nicotine causes narrowing of the arteries, increased blood pressure, increased resting pulse, and vasoconstriction, which lead to heart attacks, strokes, and many other cardiovascular ailments. The smoke and tar in cigarettes are not the primary culprit here; it is nicotine. This is established scientific fact. No doctor, no cardiologist, no medical professional of any type, would argue otherwise, or ever has.

    If you think that the high BP and cardiovascular problems understood by all in the field to be caused by nicotine use are somehow limited only to the other ingredients in cigarettes, I just don't what else can be said.

    Nicotine is a poison. Anyone trying to live a healthy life owes it to themselves to get off it 100 %, in all its forms, forever. You cannot be a healthy person living a healthy life preparing for a healthy future while ingesting nicotine.

    But of course, we all know that. Does anyone truly believe that if you went to see a cardiologist and asked him if using nicotine in any form was OK, he'd say "Sure, why not." No, he'd tell you to stop a.s.a.p.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,685 Member
    Correct me if I am wrong, but I read that nicotine is water soluble, so the physical addiction of withdrawal is resolved in 3 days. Compare that to heroin addiction where physical withdrawal syptoms last a month. Any remaining habit after physical withdrawal is pyschological addiction. I don't discount the seriousness of psychological addictions. Ask any gambler.

    I decided to quit smoking after getting a bad case of bronchitis where I didn't even feel like smoking for a week. I really enjoyed smoking cigarettes but thought I should take the opportunity to quit, seeing as the physical addiction to nicotine was already out of my system.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    Last I heard, caffeine has not been linked to cancer, high blood pressure or hardening of the arteries. Nicotine is way worse than caffeine.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    I vape and the warning is to never let the vape liquid touch your skin and if it does wash it immediately,also I watched a show once where someone was actually killed by nicotine poisoning that was in a garment they wore🤷 who knows
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    lgfrie wrote: »
    Johnd2000 wrote: »
    Argue all you like. Smoking hardens the arteries, and lots more besides. Nicotine does not.

    The problem here is that people equate nicotine with smoking. Your Dr was referring to the known effects of smoking.

    You are badly misinformed.

    The tar and some of the other non-nicotine ingredients in cigarettes cause lung cancer. Nicotine itself does not cause lung cancer.

    Separate from that, nicotine causes narrowing of the arteries, increased blood pressure, increased resting pulse, and vasoconstriction, which lead to heart attacks, strokes, and many other cardiovascular ailments. The smoke and tar in cigarettes are not the primary culprit here; it is nicotine. This is established scientific fact. No doctor, no cardiologist, no medical professional of any type, would argue otherwise, or ever has.

    If you think that the high BP and cardiovascular problems understood by all in the field to be caused by nicotine use are somehow limited only to the other ingredients in cigarettes, I just don't what else can be said.

    Nicotine is a poison. Anyone trying to live a healthy life owes it to themselves to get off it 100 %, in all its forms, forever. You cannot be a healthy person living a healthy life preparing for a healthy future while ingesting nicotine.

    But of course, we all know that. Does anyone truly believe that if you went to see a cardiologist and asked him if using nicotine in any form was OK, he'd say "Sure, why not." No, he'd tell you to stop a.s.a.p.

    I have to disagree, as does my doctor. When I smoked cigarettes I had chronic bronchitis and high blood pressure. I vape now at 3-6mg low dose nicotine and have low blood pressure and no signs of bronchitis at all.
  • RFC2549
    RFC2549 Posts: 14 Member
    edited August 2019
    To all those saying there is dangerous misinformation out there, you're right. Potentially millions of smokers with a 95% less harmful alternative available will die because of an illogical, "moral" panic about nicotine and/or vaping that is simply not backed by science.

    Article written by a doctor and molecular biologist at the Pacific Research Institute.

    Summary of UK study.

    "Nicotine is not a cause of cancer, cardiovascular disease or the respiratory conditions that dominate the ill health from smoking." Quote from UK recommendations to policy makers.

    Sources for the above statements.

    Also important when talking about the increase in vaping, whether in adults or teens: "The available evidence to date indicates that e-cigarettes are being used almost exclusively as safer alternatives to smoked tobacco, by confirmed smokers who are trying to reduce harm to themselves or others from smoking, or to quit smoking completely." - Royal College of Physicians

    Another good article. Interview with Professor John Britton, director of the UK Centre for Tobacco & Alcohol Studies at the University of Nottingham.

    Some key quotes:

    "They are effective quitting agents, so we should be promoting them."

    "They aren’t new. They’ve been around for 15 years; they’ve been in widespread use in the UK for about seven years. There’s been no appreciable reported adverse effects, with use by millions of people. So, if that was a drug, you’d be pretty confident that there are no major adverse short-term effects."

    "If you look at the general physiological profile of effects of nicotine on the body, it’s on a par with caffeine."

    The percentage of adults smoking flatlined in 2005 at 20%. Just wouldn't budge. E-cigs came on the scene. Do you know what the media doesn't report? That as vaping increased, the rate of smoking fell by a comparable percentage - in both adults and high school students. E-cig use doubled in the adult population, and smoking rates fell to 14% by 2017. High school smokers dropped from 15% in 2011 to 7% in 2017 - while vaping increased to 11%. Logical indication is that, while kids shouldn't be using these products, they were already trying regular cigarettes.

    Why so much UK stuff? Maybe because they took a more reasonable approach to this issue than the US. Maybe because the US has a Big Pharma/Big Tobacco/big tobacco taxes problem.

    By the way, the FDA ok'd long-term use of nicotine replacement products back in 2013 and removed certain warnings from the packages.

    And for those who don't care to read through links, this video is a pretty good summary: