IPD support thread.



  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Well done. I found the c25k too painful. I think I tried too soon after my op. I am going to wait and see when my next one will be and plan it around that.
    We're having beef tonight. Roast with mustard sauce :)
  • cauliwobble
    cauliwobble Posts: 26 Member
    Hi all :) this diet hasnt been successful at all for me , but I love ths way of eating , and tbh I'm not stopping, I do feel better. But I lost 10lbs on the dukan diet pretty quickly a year ago then I got a mirena coil and put it all back on over about 6 months and have struggled with the same 5lbs since being on this diet, So I am thinking of getting it taken out, iit hasnt done me any good and my iron levels have dropped and last time I went to give blood they were just on the level and I was able to give but they have dropped by 18 since having the mirena fitted, it was at 143 (i think) for years then last time it was 125 , and they dont let you give blood if its under 125. My periods are lighter but they are longer :/ and sorer and ov is more painful so pretty crap, so I think I may just get it taken out.
  • pictavi
    pictavi Posts: 10
    I keep forgetting to check this thread - is there any way I can get notifications when people post? Anyway, I've been IPD'ing for 3.5 months and reached my 2 stone lost milestone today so I'm feeling very pleased with myself! Still got at least another 4 to go but I'll get there eventually as I do love this diet. I'm really looking forward to getting back on the C25K plan when the kids go back to school - I got to week 4 so hopefully I can maybe repeat week 3 and go forward from there.
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Notifications would be handy but I dont think they do them. I just check in a morning when I come on to meal plan and then again in the evening when I log.

    I'm back into the swing of things and feeling really good. I am trying really hard to ignore the nagging voice in the back of my head. However hard I try i cant change the negative vibe of it. I'll keep working on it :embarassed:

    If you can repeat failure, you can repeat success. Right? And Im old hat at repeating failure. It's time for a change :wink:
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    I forgot to weigh myself right at the beginning of my dieting so not sure exactly how many inches Ive lost but yesterday I popped my youngest son down my jeans with me. he thought it was hilarious :laugh: the older kids thought it was funny i had Gene in my jeans:laugh:

    Ive been thinking about the future and I think I want to aim for a size 14. I know thats where a lot of folk START dieting but I think its where I will be comfortable. Im thinking that Ill stay on phase one until Xmas. Muddle through Xmas and then in the NYdo a week/fortnight of phase one and move to phase two. For now I can live with that. We'll see how the rest of the year pans out. I have the holibob to contend with first:ohwell:
  • *sneaks in quietly* Once I have my book back from my daughter, I may have more to say! Thanks for the heads up MM *g*
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Chutterz babeeeee:heart:

    Everyone Chutterz. Chutterz everyone. A very dear friend of mine and also a seasoned dieter just like most of us here :wink:
  • kiwifebes
    kiwifebes Posts: 26 Member
    Helllloooo I also forget to check!!
    My running is going well. Up to run 3 week 2. My brother in law is joining me so its good company. I have had a little whoosh this week and have now lost 30kgs (4.5st) since starting IPD last June!!! I had about 6 months off too when I was travelling through Africa. Gone from a size 22 and now fitting size 14. I want to lose 17kg more to take me to the top of the 'healthy' BMI range. Not sure what size that will make me maybe a 12? I haven't been size 12 since I was about 12 years old!!!
    Doing a big cook up today as I'm working the next 2 days. I have made pumpkin soup, cooked a chicken which will become fajitas and pie for the others and chicken salad etc for me and next I'll do a sauage casserole and make some burgers.
  • kiwifebes
    kiwifebes Posts: 26 Member
    Helllloooo I also forget to check!!
    My running is going well. Up to run 3 week 2. My brother in law is joining me so its good company. I have had a little whoosh this week and have now lost 30kgs (4.5st) since starting IPD last June!!! I had about 6 months off too when I was travelling through Africa. Gone from a size 22 and now fitting size 14. I want to lose 17kg more to take me to the top of the 'healthy' BMI range. Not sure what size that will make me maybe a 12? I haven't been size 12 since I was about 12 years old!!!
    Doing a big cook up today as I'm working the next 2 days. I have made pumpkin soup, cooked a chicken which will become fajitas and pie for the others and chicken salad etc for me and next I'll do a sauage casserole and make some burgers.
  • kiwifebes
    kiwifebes Posts: 26 Member
    Sorry posted twice!
    I meant to say- I went off the pill and have lost nearly 4lbs since in just over a week. It definately makes you retain water! Natural family planning for me!
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