Need friends to motivate me

Hi there. My name is Ama. I’ve just started doing keto a few days ago. I need someone to tell me some tips and experiences they had with keto. I usually workout a lot, so how long should I hold off from the gym to get used to keto. I also wanna make keto desserts, but I feel that it’s not good.


  • unicorngems
    unicorngems Posts: 56 Member
    edited August 2019
    I don't know much about Keto, but before taking on any diet change it's really worth researching what the diet will entail. One diet does not suit all or work for everyone, that is why there are so many different diets out there.

    Ultimately, being in a calorie deficit will help you loose weight on any diet. But, the foods we eat on that diet can effect our mood, performance and how we feel whilst on it.

    See if this particular diet works for you firstly by purchasing or reading a Keto diet book online. A diet should only be followed if you feel it is sustainable for you...there will be some restrictions, you need to see if you find these reasonable for you and your lifestyle. Otherwise, there is no point jumping into something because it is the new diet on the block, or because it works for other people!