8 lb Challenge! (Closed group)



  • digitalsinner
    I am doing AWFUL this week! With school starting and my schedule completely off kilter, I haven't worked out once, save getting up and out the door to take the dog for a quick mile walk a couple of mornings ago. I haven't even met my water goals this week. >.<
  • moor9559
    moor9559 Posts: 22 Member
    Ok so funky week where I did not meet any of the challenges every day. Even my water intake wasn't so good. :( I did lose 2.8 lbs, bringing my total loss to 9.4 lbs for August, thus far. I am ready for the new challenges of the week and will try extra hard to meet them this week.
  • scante60
    scante60 Posts: 106 Member
    I lost 1 lb this week - met the challenges, and I think that starting TOM in the middle of the week may have contributed to the loss. Onwards and upwards (or downwards, as the case may be...)!
  • digitalsinner
    I haven't gotten on the scale yet. I've decided that I think I'm going to start weighing myself at the end of the day instead of the beginning. Also, I need to get my measurements done and I just don't give myself enough time in the mornings.

    I'm going to be honest with you all. I've had a fail two weeks and it's evidenced every time I get on the scale. I know full well that I'm not going to meet my goal of 8 lbs for the month of August, but I've come to terms with it. I had a very serious come-to-jesus conversation with myself on Saturday night and it woke me up to a lot of things. Anyway, the end result is I made a contract with myself to get certain things done every day. (If you really care what it is in detail, I blogged it this morning).

    I put my food log back to private, at least for the next month because if I follow the 6 week body makeover diet, I know my calories are going to fall a little bit short of what everyone says they should be, and I know if people start riding me about it, it will just piss me off. So, out of sight out of mind.

    Anyway...I'm going to make up those 8 pounds over the course of the remaining months. I got you guys on board with this with me, and I refuse to fail anymore.

    I have two challenges for you guys this week.

    1. Water...10 cups a day.
    2. Burpees...if you've never done them, you're going to hate me, if you have, you're going to hate me anyway. They're hard, I know...I did my first ones this morning. Let's incorporate 10 3xs this week. That's doable, no matter what. If you don't know what it is, Google is very good about showing you exactly how to do it.

    Thanks guys, for going down this road with me...it's a tough one, but we're going to be SO glad that we did it.

  • dandy_mandy
    Challenge CW: 290.2
    Challenge SW: 290.4 (weight at beginning of August)
    End of year goal: 249.4

    Well, as you can see.....I gained about 47 billiion lbs this week. At least that's how it feels. I gained 3.8 lbs this week, even though I was under goal all week and exercised 3 days. Soooo frustrated right now!

    I feel like I've been on my period since I got this Mirena. I'm bloated and want greasy foods and chocolate non-stop. Time to take my life back, though!!!

    I'm in for water (has been slipping for me since school started last Monday), and I'll sign on for the 10 burpees as well. Even though they are the devil :)

    Thanks so much to all of you for the amazing support!! I'm so glad to have thi mini support group!
