Starting 30day shred. Anyone else starting?

Hello everyone thanks for clicking on the link. Im going to start the 30DD today and just wonted to know if anyone else on here is starting it today? Maybe we can become friends and help/motivate each other and give feedback and tips? So feel free to add me and wrote on my wall if your starting today and if you have already done it and it went thanks again :smile:



  • Hey there! What is this 30 day shred? I'm new to this site but have read a couple of posts that refer to it and wondered what it entails? Thanks.
  • sadiesimp
    sadiesimp Posts: 26 Member
    starting today!
  • atlraine
    atlraine Posts: 172 Member
    Starting today as well!! Let's get SHREDDING!!!:flowerforyou:
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    I would love to join in with you!!! I've been meaning to start it up again and this would be perfect to kick my butt in gear! Sign me up. I'll take my measurements tonight too.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I'm on day four, the first day or two are pretty tough - it took me several attempts to get past the first day due to muscle pains, but I modified it a little to suit myself and it's amazing how much easier it is even after only one or two days if you keep at it!
  • I need to start it! I didn't finish it the last time. I also need something to kick my butt & make me accountable!
  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member
    I started today too, although I have to modify some bits to make up for physical limitations (I have a collapsed hip).
  • i'm starting today too :) hoping it will work, I need some motivation !
  • What is the 30 day shred?
  • ksimmons19
    ksimmons19 Posts: 223 Member
    I've started it a million times and never finish. I would love to actually get through 30 days lol.
  • Jade1x
    Jade1x Posts: 166
    woooow theres loads whos starting today :) ive had 30DD for ages to did start but never completed it but this time round im going to :) when you reckon best time for it when wake up or before bed? still deciding whats everyone else doing.
  • Jade1x
    Jade1x Posts: 166
    What is the 30 day shred?

    its a dvd for like 20/30minutes of the day and people get brilliant results abs more toned too.
  • I am starting today as well.....what plan r u going to b using for the shred
  • I always like to do it in the morning. If I wait until I get home from work, I'm too wiped out. Plus I have to put the kids to bed, clean up, etc.... before you know it, it's 10pm and all I want to do is veg.

    What I typically do is wake up, have some water & a banana, do my workout & then eat breakfast.

    Of course, today will have to be an exception since I didn't do the workout this morning, I'll have to do it in the afternoon. At least it's my day off so I have the time.
  • Jade1x
    Jade1x Posts: 166
    Hey there! What is this 30 day shred? I'm new to this site but have read a couple of posts that refer to it and wondered what it entails? Thanks.

    the 30day shred is a dvd a workout for like 20 minutes people say 20/30 minutes. three levels 1,2,3 ten days each level and u see brilliant results after you completed it
  • Jade1x
    Jade1x Posts: 166
    I've started it a million times and never finish. I would love to actually get through 30 days lol.

    snap ive done it to like level 2 then missed days then never started it again. add me we can do it together and share posts :)
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,641 Member
    I am on day 8 of level one. The first few days were hard but got used to it and now it is all good. I lost 4.5lbs in my first week!! Good luck to all who are starting and to who are already through it!!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I'm starting Thursday (sept 1) doing it for 30 days of sept - I'm right behind you
  • mashanda
    mashanda Posts: 120 Member
    I am in. I have Jillians 30 Shred with weights. So I am ready to go! I still have it packaged as well has my kettle bells. lol.