Desk Jockey No Time to Mooove

Hello from Canada!

One week in and lovin’ the app. Great for logging in and being aware of my calorie intake. As a desk jockey, I now need to get moooovin’. I’ve been walking but not a lot of tine for more. Love to hear what the other people in the same situation are doing.



  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    As far as losing weight, you only need to be in a calorie deficit.

    If you're looking to exercise, you've got lots of options.

    Work out at home.
    Get up early, go to gym.
    Go to gym after work.
    Walk during your lunch break.

    What's your goal?
  • whoneypie
    whoneypie Posts: 9 Member
    I bike every day to and from work. My job is on my feet all day, so that def helps. I just started working out and I plan to work out twice a week, for starting out. With a little planning, everything can be done, I believe!