S@&t I’ve fallen off the wagon!

I’ve been so good but so disappointed in myself tonight, I ended up cooking dinner for the wider family, we had fajita Friday, that was ok (ish) but I had way tooo much Prosecco and went and foraged some apples and made an increadibly fattening tarte tartin (apple pie) WITH ICECREAM...Why do I have no Will power?


  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    You have willpower. You just made a conscious decision to eat too much.

    I fill out the food diary a few days in advance. This keeps me accountable.

    I have a bad day every now and then, usually due to high anxiety. I forgive myself and get back on plan with the next meal.

    Eat it. Enjoy it. Log it.
  • davidupperton6627
    davidupperton6627 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you, that’s great advise!