First signs of weight loss?

I don't own a scale and only plan on weighing myself every month at the Dr. so my question is what are a few signs of losing weight? Obviously when clothes start to fit and such but are there any signs of your body feeling weaker? I have been experiencing this and have been eating a lot more than I used to and exercising regularly. This sort of sounds like a silly question but I'm super curious.


  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    Your body should be feeling stronger, not weaker. When are you feeling weak? If you're eating healthy and exercising regularly, perhaps something else is going on?
  • myurav
    myurav Posts: 165 Member
    hopefully, your body shouldn't be feeling too much weaker. if you are exercising regularly and eating enough, you should be feeling more energetic (at least, that's what's happened in my experience). i usually notice weight loss in little ways - my collarbones become more prominent, my face looks a bit longer, my wrist bones are more noticeable, etc...i don't weigh myself on a regular basis either because i don't want it to derail my progress.

    also, friends are good judges about your weight, especially if they haven't seen you in a while.

    good luck!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Are you taking a weight loss pill?

    I ask this because you mentioned you will be going to the dr once per month. A girl I work with took a weight loss pill and did the same thing. It made her feel horrible and weak and light headed. Just curious.
  • klyamoor
    Your body should be feeling stronger, not weaker. When are you feeling weak? If you're eating healthy and exercising regularly, perhaps something else is going on?

    I've been eating whole grains and tons of small meals throughout the day. I feel weak mostly when I have to use my arm strength. The only exercising I've been doing is walking at a fast pace for 30 minutes in the morning and sometimes at night, than I'll take a few laps up and down the stairs.
    I forgot to mention that I was a huge Coke drinker and now I've stopped drinking soda completely. Maybe it's withdrawals?
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Your body should be feeling stronger, not weaker. When are you feeling weak? If you're eating healthy and exercising regularly, perhaps something else is going on?

    I've been eating whole grains and tons of small meals throughout the day. I feel weak mostly when I have to use my arm strength. The only exercising I've been doing is walking at a fast pace for 30 minutes in the morning and sometimes at night, than I'll take a few laps up and down the stairs.
    I forgot to mention that I was a huge Coke drinker and now I've stopped drinking soda completely. Maybe it's withdrawals?

    That is a real poosibility. Caffiene withdrawals (or any for that matter) can make you feel like crap until you are though it.
  • klyamoor
    Are you taking a weight loss pill?

    Yes, I was prescribed phentermine and take half of a 37.5 in the mornings and the other half in the afternoon. It hasn't messed with my sleeping habits so I thought I was doing all right but I guess not. =(
  • blisterpeanuts
    blisterpeanuts Posts: 67 Member
    When I went on a strict low-carb diet (based on Eades' Protein Power, similar to Atkins), for the first week or so I felt woozy and tired, because according to them my blood was flooded with ketones which are a slower way to transport sugar to the brain.

    After getting through that zero-carb introductory period, my energy levels returned to normal and even improved. I wasn't taking any diet pills, though.

    Honestly I'd be very careful about any kind of weight loss pills. If you can't lose weight by reducing calories, then you have a serious problem, possibly with your thyroid gland, and should definitely be seeing a physician. If the physician prescribed phentermine just as a way to lose weight, without trying a regular dieting regimen first, I'd get out of there and find another physician at least for a second opinion.

    Just my 2 cents, best of luck!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I have read in a blog that the first time you exercise it temporarily weakens your immune system but eventually your body will adjust to it as it becomes stronger. You will not be feeling weak unless you're not eating enough.