30 Day Shred!! Before & After Pics?!?!

Hello Everyone!

I'm starting the 30 Day Shred tomorrow!! Pretty stoked to start!! Does anyone have any pointers?
Also does anyone have progress pics??


  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    I have 3 more days until I finish. Its a great workout and plan to be sore the first few day.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I did 30DS Level 1 yesterday after never doing it before. Drink drink drink! JM will kick your *kitten* (and make you kick your own) and she'll keep saying that she doesn't want you to stop. But do yourself a favor and pause the tape and drink when you need it, haha.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I've seen many threads with 30DS before and after pics, just use the search function. :smile:
    I'm starting Thursday so I can follow the days of September, it will be my first time doing it so I have no tips yet.
    Good Luck!
  • LOL! hm_day!! I watched the dvd just to see what I'm getting myself into LOL! & it looks intense!!

    I've been searching pics & most are old post! I just wanted to start a new one for anyone wanting to post their new results: )
    Good Luck everyone!!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    LOL! hm_day!! I watched the dvd just to see what I'm getting myself into LOL! & it looks intense!!

    I've been searching pics & most are old post! I just wanted to start a new one for anyone wanting to post their new results: )
    Good Luck everyone!!

    That 20 minutes feels like an eternity when you're dehydrated, haha. I was DRENCHED. But JM is still my absolute favorite.
  • Lol! Everyone says the first day SUCKS! haha I can't wait to start tomorrow!
  • wendyw8
    wendyw8 Posts: 86 Member
    I am doing it right now I started with 5 pound weights, bad idea!!! but my arms are weak lol so if your arms are not strong I would start with a lower weight :)
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 920 Member
    im on day 4 level 1and i started a group called the shreadders if you want to join that. most of started on thursday but some only yestarday so feel free to join us. take ur mesurments and pics before u start as we are sharing results at the end.... it is hard but i feel amazing once ive done it
  • jmp1079
    jmp1079 Posts: 30
    I just did day 1....it was a little intense!!
  • Will do Toni! I officially start Level 1 Day 1 today: ) & my diet: )
  • ursula0601k
    ursula0601k Posts: 169 Member
    Search for the ultimate before and after 30 day shred thread. It is current and has lots of pics and success stories.
  • Thank you: )
  • Finish Level 1 Day 1.. Gotta say the dang Protein shakes are more painful than the workout
    Jillian Michaels really knows how to kick butt!! I'm looking forward to tomorrows workout: )
  • Hi, I'm new to fitness pal. I did 30 DS before i found out i was pregnant and had lost 5 lbs fairly quick. I had my baby girl 3 months ago and have lost all of my baby weight plus a little more BUT would like to get closer to my college weight & get toned back up. I'm sure JM can help me get back.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    make sure that you drink water, stay hydrated, and do a good stretch before....she does do some stretching but its always good to be as limber as possible.....it's a great dvd......youll get alot out of it