Gold Standard Group (Open Group) First weight in!

tilaisabel Posts: 31
edited October 1 in Motivation and Support
Hi everyone!!

I wanted to address one quick thing before we got started today:

1.) Although I saw some men generate interest in joining I am only seeing ladies join and thus I am slowly leaning in changing our name from the Gold Standard Group to the Leading Ladies group. What are your thoughts or opinions about this? Would you prefer a change or keep the same?

Now to get started!!

Assignment 1:

Today is our first official weigh in. Today we express to one another how we did during the week, what we feel proud of, our thoughts, concerns, questions, etc. Place your current weight and follow it with reflection.

My response: I weighed in today at 211.6 from 214.2 from last week. I lost a total of 2.6 lbs. So far I have lost 13.6 lbs. I was working sooo hard to make my total weight off to 15 this week :( Although I know 2.6 lbs is still very well, I still feel a little bummed because I know what I am doing is working but it feels like my body didn't cooperate today. I know it sounds silly but its true. I am sure we all have felt this way. We know we are working hard but there is that day here or there where we look at the scale and want to yell "seriously???". I take pride in the work I have accomplished thus far and will make sure next week is over 15 lbs off in total!!!

Assignment 2:

Quote of the day: Read the quote and reflect how this represents you. Do you believe people can change? Do you believe everything happens for a reason? In regards to your weight struggles, do you feel everything has happened in such a way so that you may learn from it?

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."- Marilyn Monroe

My response: I do believe people can change BUT it can only happen if people want to. This reminds me of women who try to change a man to fit their needs. We may want to do that, but it will never work. Same thing for our weight loss journey. A person can have all the resources, help, support and love but still fail to accept that they need to change anything. It took me a long time to get to the point where i felt i could change myself, my habits, my thinking, etc. I crave change. I crave bringing everything that is good into my life and i will utilize my past experiences to help transform myself into my own leading lady. I feel I gained so much weight, went into a bad time and space, etc to truly appreciate a beautiful mind, soul and body later. I know how it feels living day to day with weight that shouldn't be there. I learned the hard way (in some cases painfully) the consequences of having been there. Now, more than anything, I love the changes my body is making and when I finally get to my weight loss destination I will hold onto it like hell!!

Assignment 3: Nutritional challenge!

Being the first week we are gonna hit the ground running! I challenge all of my leading ladies to change one bad nutritional habit they have this week. You don't eat enough veggies? You don't drink enough water? Whatever it is that you KNOW your doing bad I want you to pick one and work hard to eliminate it this week. We may have many bad eating habits but we have to break each one at a time for it to be successful or else it wont work!

My response: I eat out about 3- 4 times per week. I want to change this because I need to learn to cook more variety of foods!!! My challenge is to not eat out more than twice this upcoming week and at least one of those times has to be subway. It will be though for me because since I go to school full time and I commute it can be difficult to find the time to cook, workout, do hmk, etc etc. However, it will only benefit me if I make the time!

Cant wait to see the replies!! Lots of love and support for each and every one of my leading ladies! :-)


  • annika27
    annika27 Posts: 56
    1. 180 lbs.
    I've gained a pound :( I've been doing bad the last couple days, but I'm getting back on track. I would love to be at 10 lbs lost next Friday.

    2. I have a hard time agreeing that everything happens for a reason. It is hard for me to think I became overweight for some reason other than, I let myself get this way. I want to change so badly. I just have trouble staying motivated. That's why I am so excited about this group! I know what I need to do, I just need to do it.

    3. I need to drink more water! I don't keep track, but I know I'm only getting about half of what I need. Water is easy to take with you everywhere, so I don't have an excuse to not drink more :)
  • longin2bsexy
    longin2bsexy Posts: 42 Member
    1. My weight is 231.4 down from 234.8 for a loss of 3.4lbs since Monday.
    I have had a hard day today because I wasn't prepared. I need to prep more food and get groceries so it was an off day. It isn't
    that I ate a lot it is the bad choices of what I ate... I am not going to stress about it though, I will NOT let it consume me!!!

    2. I totally agree everything happens for a reason... My daddy always tells me that and although there are some things I still can't
    explain, I truly believe there was a reason for it!!!

    3. I need to drink more water. I am not a pop or juice drinker, just don't drink much of anything.... My goal is to try to get in all of my
    water next week!!
  • phedre87
    phedre87 Posts: 10
    1. When I weighed myself this morning I was at 160.6. Since I only started yesterday well I'm not expecting any true results yet but I was happy to be under 161 (my weight yesterday). I have tried to remember lunch today and to drink more water. I'm happy I ate a little something at midday to keep my metabolism running even if it was just a piece of toast. Next step veggies for lunch :)

    2. I agree with this quote completely. What wise words! I know I always thought I was fat in high school (I weighed 115 lbs for god's sake! I didn't enjoy myself as I could have and I regret that I was so foolish. Now I know what it really means to be overweight!

    3. I need to remember to hydrate. Water, water, water. That's my goal for the week.

    Also, I don't mind the name change.
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    1) I weighed in this morning at 154.8 and started off 8/17/2011 at 160 as of last week. I am very happy with the results as I was stuck on a plateau. I am watching everything I eat, Hubby and my kids are proud of my results..Getting compliments from Hubby is also essential to me losing weight, as I didn't see a change..but he does..which is really nice! Have cut down considerably on the the energy drinks..almost completely weened off of are glad as they said I was addicted to them..haha. Drinking tons of water, which I am use to now..and eating more calories, as I have not been eating enough apparently..which is great, cause now I'm losing weight, crazy huh?!

    2) Yes, that is actually something I tell my kids...things do happen for a reason because if we didn't have the path we took we would never learn from it, or have the experience to help others that has had this experience..and we can also learn from others as they tell or explain what they have been through as well..

    3) I need to learn how to incorporate healthier snacks in my diet as opposed to higher fatty snacks..for the week.

    Yes, the name change is fine, lol, unless we get a guy that wants to join? haha :smile:
  • Assignment 1:

    The starting gate has opened and my first official weigh in resulted in 149lbs and holding. I get so frustrated - I work my *kitten* off but hardly a change in the scale reading. Yes, I am sure my body is changing in many positive ways with the exercises and diet but I really do get frustrated with that scale. If it wasn't a new Weight Watchers scale I would probably have tossed the damn thing out the window. But I will keep on trying to win this battle and I am proud of the workouts I have completed.

    Assignment 2:
    I do believe that statement. People change - we learn to accept those changes or we move on. Things change - sometimes good changes and sometimes not so good but then you learn to accept those changes and move on. I need to change my thought process and habits so that I can achieve my desired weight loss.

    Assignment 3:
    My bad nutritional habit that I do need to constantly work on is mindless snacking or eating out of boredom. Call it what you will but I can graze an entire evening away by tasting any and all junk food in the cupboards and fridge. This is what I have to work on.

    A name change is fine by me.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • It looks like you're just getting started, so I hope it's not too late to join.

    1. My official weigh-in is 154, which represents a 3 lb gain from the last time I logged my weight into the site. I started off at 160 in May, reached 153 on my own, started to creep up again, and then found MFP in early August. So I've been bouncing around between 154 and 151 for the past few weeks. By way of history, my top weight ever was 190, which I attained at age 13. As an adult, my weight has ranged between 142 and 185; over the past ten years or so, that range has tightened to 147-160. My goal now is to tighten that range to 142-145. So, how did I do last week? Not great. I eat healthy foods, so that's not the issue...I just tend to eat too much of it. I exercise, and am reasonably fit, but do not maintain consistency with my exercise program. I tend to become annoyed with myself for lack of discipline, and then eat something to make myself feel better----and then get really annoyed at the choice I made---sound familiar?

    2. I do believe that everything happens for a reason and that, with time, those reasons will reveal themselves. It is up to us to learn from those experiences, and take what we can from them.

    3. My goal is >8 glasses of water for the week, and not to count coffee and tea as water.

    Thanks for starting this group...I really like the approach you're taking.
  • jenwarship
    jenwarship Posts: 28 Member
    A couple of days late, i hope you don't mind!

    1) Official weigh in on Friday at 184.6. I was up a couple lbs this week, but I think due to that TOM. At least I hope so! I've been doing well, tracking and exercising this week, so hopefully next week will see a loss.

    2) I don't believe that everything happens for a reason, but I believe strongly that how you respond to things that happen is in your control. I believe that people change and the hardest part is letting people change. I'm amazed some times that when you see someone you haven't seen in years that they expect you to act, feel and think the same way you did 10 years ago! I would hope that life experiences change people.

    3) My goal this week is to be under my calorie goal each day and to eat more VEGGIES! I'm terrible at getting enough veggies. :(

    Good luck everyone! I can't wait to hear how everybody does this week!
  • kiwibandit
    kiwibandit Posts: 15 Member
    A couple of days late, i hope you don't mind!

    1) Official weigh in on Friday at 169. My weight went up about a lb due to my fiance's housewarming party this weekend.... its so hard to track your food when everyone else is chowing down too!

    2) I do believe that certain things happen for a reason. But in terms of weight, I think that is something we can control so therefore its exempt from the above quote.

    3) My goal this week is to be under my calorie goal each day and to eat more VEGGIES! I'm going on a no meat diet for the week and will also start running...

    Good luck everyone! I can't wait to hear how everybody does this week!
  • Roxstar75
    Roxstar75 Posts: 16 Member
    I am also a couple days late....I think the name change is great:)

    1) My first initial weigh in on Friday - 248.2. My weight remained the same over the week, but I am ok with that. At least it didn't go up. I just think it was bad timing due to that dreaded thing we go through every month.

    2) I also believe that everything happens for a reason. There is reasoning behind everything that we do in life. People change only if they want to change. They can only change themselves & make their lives what they want it to be. Some changes are not easy, but it can happen when you set your mind to it! It's so important to be focused when wanting to change. It's mind over matter & I have to realize this. Willpower.....

    3) Be sure to drink all of my water that is required. I am horrible on the weekends, but during the week at work I am ok. That is my focus for the longer weekend coming up.
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