When do you weigh?

For those who weigh only once per week, what day to you weigh?
Is there a reason why you picked that day over others?


  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    Friday, in the mornings.

    I like Fridays. =)
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    Thursday morning, naked, after I go to the bathroom. I picked Thursday so that is a few days away from the weekend, when there is a good chance I will have splurged a little on eating out or drinking too many beers and that way I have time to exercise some of it away. :)
  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    Tuesday. That way I have Monday to "recover" if I had a not so great weekend.
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    I'm fairly new to MFP and I'll admit I step on the scale every day. Now though, I only track on Monday mornings soon after wake up but before breakfast. Helps keep me from pigging out /too/ much on the weekends.
  • JLervold86
    JLervold86 Posts: 93 Member
    Friday, first thing in the morning....I'm usually really good during the week and that is where I see my loss is prior to the weekend which includes my cheat meal at some point!
  • maysflower
    maysflower Posts: 180
    Monday mornings because it helps me stay in check over the weekends knowing I have to weigh-in on Monday. It works for me.
  • midnight8
    Morning I'm my lightest. Friday seems to be a good day for me too
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Tuesday. It's the same day my wife has her Weight Watcher's meeting, so that way we weigh in on the same day and can compare notes and share encouragement.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Friday, first thing in the morning....I'm usually really good during the week and that is where I see my loss is prior to the weekend which includes my cheat meal at some point!

  • JS70
    JS70 Posts: 95 Member
    I still weigh myself every day but I log my weight on Monday mornings. It keeps me from splurging on the weekends.
  • Gettingbettereveryday
    Hi, I weigh once a week on a Monday which is the day I joined MFP - so if I'd joined on a Tuesday I'd weigh on Tuesdays..
    I try not to weigh in between as it's easy to let things get a bit obsessive, and as this is meant to be a lifestyle change I don't want to get myself chained to the scales 24/7, but keep a bit of perspective.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    My weigh day is Saturday first thing in the am because I started on a Saturday. But I often weigh Wednesday too because for some weird reason it is usually my lightest day of the week.
  • Mkrug221
    Mkrug221 Posts: 28
    Friday mornings. I'm usually really good during the week.
  • CaitlinMyers428
    CaitlinMyers428 Posts: 151 Member
    Friday, first thing in the morning.

    I pick Fridays because I don't want to weigh myself after the weekend if I ate a little extra. It gives me all week to work it off.
  • NeilFurst
    Wednesday mornings before breakfast. It's mid week so can treat at the weekend and get over it before weigh in comes around. Plus I started on a Wednesday.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Saturday morning.
    Get up - take care of any Bathroom business (3 S's) - hop on the scale in just my skivvies.

    I picked Saturday morning as it is the first day of the week where I am not rushing off to work.

    I also thought that for any times when I gained from one week to the next. This would be a reminder to be extra careful over the weekend when I tend to want to snack.
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    Sunday because I started that day. I'm think about changing it to a weekday though because my routine is all over the place on a weekend, times I eat etc Friday and wednesday seem to be popular
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    I weigh Sunday mornings, after bathroom. Not sure why I chose that particular day, it just works for me.
  • fitby2012
    fitby2012 Posts: 167 Member
    Monday, right after I wake up. Just because it is the beginning of a new week, and I started on a Monday. I am thinking of changing to Friday or Saturday, because I can't really relax on the weekends. I don't really eat over my calories, but while out and about, I tend to be around more indulgent foods that may stick on me for a couple of days.
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    I weigh everyday but log my weight Saturday morning unless I met my goal on Friday, then I use that. I have a goal of a pound a week.