PATLD Challenge: Week 5

Hi all! Hope you had a fantastic week - let's check in!!

I'm moving in just 4 days to the other side of town, and I have been super stressed out. I haven't weighed in yet, and I logged 5 miles this week. It's been tough!

How are you all doing?

Also - I want to hear your thoughts and ideas for a new challenge. I'm thinking of starting up another one for Halloween - any goals we should set (if you're interested in joining) or ideas for it? We could start it a week after Labor Day!

This moving process has hindered my ability to be as active recently on MFP than I'd like to be, so I'm committed to being a better challenge leader the second time around. :happy:

Hugs to you all!


  • nisaacs51306
    Well I am stuck at 204 but this week I did awsome on my walking we went to a water park and walked everywhere for 9 in totale this past week I walked 54 miles. crazy week walked almost everyday with my kids which was 4 miles a day and then add the water park of friday and a huge mall on thursday school cloths shopping! man it was a crazy week!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Good luck with your move. You'll burn tons of calories doing that so I wouldn't stress out over MFP until you're settled.

    I weighed 238.4 today, down 1.6 pounds!! Finally broke the 240's. I haven't been below 240 in over 2 years!

    I walked 23 miles this past week (77,778 steps according to my GWF). I've been doing the C25K 3x/week, P90X 3x/week and personal training 2x/week.

    My goals this week:
    more fruit/veggies
    keep up the working out
    catch up with my housework which will torch more calories

    I look forward to a new challenge since Labor Day is fast approaching. Basically, I like weighing in weekly....any other parameters are fine by me, even if I don't "walk" for fitness, I get in enough steps to feel like I'm part of the challenge.
  • sock_17
    sock_17 Posts: 99 Member
    Wow you guys are doing an awesome job! I'm down 1 lb this week and I walked 15 miles. I also don't really care what kind of challenge we do next as long as we still weigh in weekly. . .I hate weighing in on Monday but I don't hate it enough to keep me away from you guys :-)

    ~ Jamie